It’s 8.27pm and I have just sat down after clearing up the kitchen, debating what this weeks topic would be about, something that I never have a problem with usually, but with life being life, time kinda slipped away from me and I realised I hadn’t given it a second thought. A good friend of […]
I’m glad we’re all different and have our own views, beliefs and opinions, (I know I’ve said it before, just wanted to reiterate!). I like sharing mine with you and appreciate others wanting to do the same, especially with the way the world is today, but some people’s opinions leave me baffled as to whether […]
Perhaps the only blessings that being diagnosed with cancer and the days following has given me are clarity and appreciation. My appreciation for life has given me more clarity and focus on the things that make life worth living. Every minute is magical and it can take less time than that for something truly life […]
I thought I’d lighten the mood a bit this week!….well I say lighten – it’s a joke to some but being a sufferer I know it’s not so funny. It’s a battle myself and many others have to live with on a daily basis. By todays headlines it’s actually being classed as a brain abnormality, […]
Apologies for being a tad late! Truth be told I’ve had a lot on my mind mixed with a few long days, late nights and some upsetting news which have taken their toll. I had to have a recharge and get my head together. Nearly there!! We all have our faults – ALL OF US! […]
Yes, I’m aware it’s the day AmeriKKKa officially confirms the madness but I really ain’t got time for that! I’ll be unwittingly seeing more than enough of Trumps face in the media over the next four years without me spending my precious time purposely tuning in. There’s nothing about it I want to see and […]