R.I.P’d Off (Part 11)
Yes, I’m aware it’s the day AmeriKKKa officially confirms the madness but I really ain’t got time for that! I’ll be unwittingly seeing more than enough of Trumps face in the media over the next four years without me spending my precious time purposely tuning in.
There’s nothing about it I want to see and the fear I had of an assassination when Obama took the stage is most definitely not present in this case! FAR, FAR FROM IT!!
I’d rather discuss something else that’s happening today. It’s the UK release date of The Birth Of A Nation. I doubt that you’ve heard much about it and I don’t have to think long and hard as to why! It’s the story of Nat Turner, a slave preacher who led a two day rebellion of fellow slaves and free men in 1831.
They rolled through plantations freeing slaves and recruiting others and killed over 60 white men, women and children in the process before being captured and dealt with accordingly. And why would you want to watch it Dawn? I imagine it’s not the most comfortable viewing but, well, neither is Roots or 12 Years A Slave, but I guess it’s always more palatable to watch a Black man of that time suffer and/or die as it’s what we’re use to seeing right?
The fact is, as you can imagine, when you’re treated like a dog for so long one day you’ll bite back. For the majority of us we were tolerant, patient and full of the belief that better days gon’ come….for the rest they weren’t willing to wait for their freedom and took a stand.
I’m not saying I agree with the slaughter but I can understand the horrors they’d lived through, witnessing their own women and children being used, abused, tortured, raped, sold and murdered for years – that has to have a psychological impact without a doubt. It’s not an excuse for it, but it’s a very good reason and incite into the desperation they must have experienced to go to those levels. #RealTalk.
Funnily enough, this film didn’t do so well in AmeriKKKa. The first reason is in the title itself. Written and directed by Nate Parker, he chose the title from a 1915 film of the same name (although it was originally known as The Clansman), a 3 hour long film that basically glorifies and makes heroes of the Ku Klux Klan and is credited as being inspiration for their second era.
Ironically, it was also the first AmeriKKKan motion picture to be screened at the White House. Yeh…just let that sink in for a min! No doubt Donald’s looking to dust off the reel for a hit of nostalgia at the after party tonight. Ahhhhh, the good old days! #LetsMakeAmeriKKKaGrateAgain
Another reason for it taking a hit was the fact that back in 1999 Nate Parker was accused and found not guilty of rape. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a heinous act to say the least, but he was put on trial and cleared. He has never shied away from it and has always maintained his innocence but that makes very little difference to some. The Birth Of A Nation birthed a lot more hate than anything else.
You see the girl in question was a White girl – which really should make no difference at all – but in 2016 AmeriKKKa, with tensions high and Trump rallying the White Walkers, it was enough to get the hate train rolling despite it being some 17 years earlier that he was accused and acquitted. That, added to the insolence of using the name of a “classic” to virtually blacken its content – OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Well…they would if they could, but they couldn’t, so they did the next best thing; lock it and knock it down – or at least try. Most media outlets will tell you it’s disappointing and not worth watching. Certain cinemas in AmeriKKKa told customers it was sold out and suggested other films knowing full well it wasn’t, therefore making it look like there was very little interest in it and it was classed as a box office disaster. Job done!
Reality bites sometimes but it is what it is and the Nat Turner story was a reality. Over the years they’ve portrayed all the different sides to slavery – why the big problem with this one? Because 60 Whites died?
How about you compare it to the thousands of Black people that died in slavery over the centuries or even the 200 that died in retaliation for the revolt itself – the majority of whom had nothing to do with it – AND the fact they tightened the laws after that to hold us down even further.
I don’t know why I’m asking because to those types there is no comparison and never will be because no matter who we are or what we do, to them being White Trumps all – they are the fine china to our disposable plates.
It may well be a shit film but I’ll judge that for myself and I encourage you to do the same.
R.I.P to those being laid to rest today and to those who have lost their lives this week
Condolences to AmeriKKKa on this sad and sorry day.

Fasten Your Seat-belts, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
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