Keeping it short and sweet this week. It’s been one of those ones for me – feeling rough, slightly stressed and hormonal, combined and working in unison with the mad, sad vibe of the world; and it’s seriously pushing my buttons….but it’s all good!
I know life’s not a bed of roses, and at some point we’re faced with some kind of shit to challenge us. Some are dealt more than others; as is being proved everyday for those who care to see it, yet we all have it in common. All types of people and many different causes – but it’s shit all the same!
I’m quite a strong person and I try not to dwell on the bad for long, but it does make me wonder what makes certain people tick and do the things they do without any kind of conscience whatsoever – on a personal and global level. I know we can’t all think the same way, and the world would be a boring place if we did, but waking up everyday to stories of another brother losing his life for no other reason than the colour of his skin, newborn babies left on buses to die, bullying little bastards filming their actions and thinking it’s jokes, families being wiped out in Aleppo in one fell swoop and the general level of fuckery going on has got me asking, WHERE IS THE LOVE?
Thankfully my experiences this week are nothing in comparison to the above, but no matter how big or small a pile I have to sift through I know I’m blessed to have someone to share it with. Yes, it can be great being single; and I’m all for self love, a big fan of personal space and welcome me time – but there’s also a lot to be said about being part of a couple.
It’s the knowing there’s someone that (hopefully) gets you, and you can come home to or call and know that shit’s gonna be alright. It’s amazing what a few little words can do to lift a cloud. I’ll be back on track next week but today I just wanted to show some love to my loves and to one and all.
These are some serious times we’re living in, and life is short and extremely precious. It’s not helped by the fact there are others out there who’d like to make it shorter or more miserable for whatever reason seems justifiable in their minds. We never know what’s around the corner so put a little love in your hearts and make sure you show it to the ones that deserve it. Hopefully karma will sort out the rest that don’t!
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week. 11:41:432023-04-06 21:37:46Put A Little Love In Your Heart
I’m sure you’re more than aware of at least one of the police shootings over this past week. If you’re a fan of social media you really can’t escape it and the majority of us have some kind of opinion on it. I’ve previously voiced my own (feel free to look back on previous R.I.P’d Off!’s and Forget You to know exactly where I stand), and I can’t help but notice where certain types of white people stand too – and I’d like to respond to a few of their comments.
Firstly there’s the ‘it’s horrible what happened BUT we don’t know the whole story’ type. At this time no, we don’t know, but from the footage that is shown, as in the case of Terrence Crutcher, he was walking away slowly with his hands in the air and did not pose an imminent threat on their lives – as in acting erratically and brandishing a weapon. That should be the only reason you shoot – as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted – but that is through my eyes, and even though we can watch the exact same footage we will never see the same story; I’m watching it in full colour and they are only seeing black and white. In their eyes the Black dude – sorry, ‘bad dude’ – must have instigated it all somehow and they’ll offer up any excuse to justify the actions of the officers, even if all they can say is ‘we don’t know the whole story.’ Well, I don’t need to know the full story to know the ending.
I know enough about the characters and have my own personal tales to tell so I’m speaking from experience when I say the major issues I’ve found with them is they’re either racist, scared, power hungry or all three – and the majority of the time we’re dealing with all three; which isn’t a great combination at the best of times let alone the worst.
Then there’s the other type who would have you believe all is not as it seems and the media is to answer for everything. They cause hype and hysteria and it’s not as bad as it seems to be out there – they’re using us to cause unrest. They’ll fling statistics at you about more White people getting killed than Black and remind us that all lives matter. They’ll encourage you to research facts and look deeper. Well, thanks for that bit of advice but I’m pretty sure you can’t get much deeper than roots deep and that’s where we’re coming from. We’ve been living it but now that it can’t be hidden as easily you would try to wrap it up and call it something different or shift the focus and make out we can’t see what’s really happening. There’s never been any justice for us and that has never been an issue for you all, but now you’re getting no peace and that’s what’s really upsetting the masses. #RealTalk.
Feel free to voice your comments, but don’t patronise us with your advice as you sit there comfortably in your White privilege. Our hiSTORY is enough to know the whole story without the help of media outlets and Facebook putting their spin on it. Maybe you’ve forgotten but we haven’t. We were only ever wanted so we could be used and abused and now we’re an infestation you want rid of because you can’t control us and you fear us, so you kill us. How about YOU look a little deeper than our skin as that’s where the real problem lies. You root out the house negroes to support your cause and ask us what Obama has done for us – what the fuck have any of you done for us?
We’re not naive enough to believe he could make a change even if he wanted to. He’s the token Black face of a White House. He doesn’t run things. His strings are being pulled by a government that’s racist, rotten and corrupt to the core. You fear and call out our Black Power groups as racist murderers and thugs yet the system is rife with the same as you LEGALLY have members of the KKK and other white supremacist groups as police officers and in every form of power and control – but we have nothing to fear. They can keep their emotions in check and it has no effect on their ability to do their job. Yet I could lose my job for nothing more than having dreadlocks. Says it all!
We’ve reached our limit and are telling you enough’s enough. All we want is the chance of equality and the ability to live in peace as we go about our daily lives without the fear of losing it because someone fears our colour more. Is that really too much to ask for? If Syrians are like a bowl full of Skittles then we’re like a bucketful of M&M’s; it has fuck all to do with poisonous ones and more to do with the fact that there’s no white ones in the packet.
R.I.P Terrence Crutcher and Keith Scott
NO JUSTICE – NO PEACE!, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
So I finally got around to watching Gangland: Turf Wars and I can’t say I was surprised or impressed by any of it to say the least.
Where to start!?! Let’s go with the title! Gangland: Turf Wars conjures up a very different image from the one that was aired. Mandem: London would have been more appropriate, as all I saw were a bunch of Black boys playing up to the cameras to tick all of the boxes on the list that the government has tight in its hand:
Black boy ✔️
Guns ✔️
Drugs ✔️
Violent ✔️
Anti-police ✔️
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – More ammunition for more ammunition!
Don’t doubt that Rita, Sue and Bob too will be fretting that their lives are in danger as these “gangsters” have made it clear their trigger fingers are itchy, and in proclaiming they’re saving bullets for the police too, they in turn deserve to be sufficiently protected to fight fire with fire.
Watch the ride people and never say never. Now it could well be that Mr BAFTA-Nominated-Paul Blake did extensive research and the only idiots fool enough to put their balaclava clad faces on tv were those fine specimens, but are you really telling me that out of the hundreds of gangs throughout Britain that’s all you could find?
No other colour or creed wanted to bally up and act the big’ un, no? None? Not enough turf in Britain so you had to take it to France too? A bunch of very misguided and dejected Black youths and one White arse is all you could muster, is it? In my opinion, much like the plugging scene, this documentary was highly unnecessary and full of shit.
In the wake of Brexit racial tensions are high enough as it is and this kind of production is made to add fuel to the fire. I’m not denying that there are some youths out there living this type of life and it is scary and senseless and people should know what’s happening, but why do we only ever hear about the bullshit?
Where’s the documentaries on the ones that made it out and are thriving and surviving? Where’s the two part special on where the drugs and guns come from originally and how they make it into the hands of these people? Where is the follow up on how afterwards they were offered a chance of help and guidance and here is the outcome?
I watched it and all I could see was wastage. Yes it is hard out there and there is no denying if you’re Black it’s that bit harder, but because the system isn’t built for us to thrive in it doesn’t mean that we can’t! There are other options than street life and the idea that you run them. You don’t. You just make it easier to decrease our numbers over senseless notions. #RealTalk.
I know it’s not easy for parents as some kids are just harden and no amount of talking or examples of death and destruction is going to change their minds, but we brought them into the world and we are responsible for them until they reach adulthood.
Some can still be reached and we need to keep trying to get through. They really are the future and God help the lot of us if they’re left to go the way they’re heading. Some of the reasons as to why they end up doing what they’re doing is because they either dropped out or were failed by the education system and the basic need for money or want of a more comfortable lifestyle.
I understand their reasons. Not everyone can be rocket scientists and we’ve all got bills to pay, but this get rich or die trying life ain’t really worth dying for. How about you get rich and live good? That sounds like a better plan to me! You seriously don’t need that Gucci swag to brag about your accomplishments.
The majority of us really couldn’t give a shit how much money you choose to waste making a rich man even richer, but as thick as you came across on screen you proved you could work together and run a business. Imagine if you could put as much effort and energy into a legitimate business?
Why wasn’t Mr Blake and his like offering you an opportunity to do better before handing out the GoPro’s to incriminate yourselves? Who’s REALLY running your “ends”? Reality check – IT AIN’T YOU! You’re just the puppets and you’re playing your parts well! #JustSaying.
There’s more to life than what you’re working towards. Allow the ends and focus on the bigger picture. One day it’ll all come into view and I’m hoping and praying it’s soon enough for you to make a change – and make a change!💷
Congratulations Skepta on winning the Mercury Prize. Show them the way my brother!
No, I still haven’t bothered to watch the Gangland program yet! I’ve heard enough on the grapevine and can imagine the rest for myself but I’ll give it a fair assessment next week.
I had to change it up because I’m still really confused by something that blew up in the media recently, REALLY confused! When did being a star in the public eye give us the right to air disgust at a woman’s choice to not paint her face? In fact, that’s being too polite – who the fuck do certain people think they are?
I am, of course, talking about Alicia Keys and her appearance at the VMA’s. I’m honestly dumbfounded at how shallow these people are and the fact that they took the time out of their day to post how offended they were on social media.
I know the world’s gone mad for sure for many, MANY reasons and this crock of shit is definitely one of them. Why should she have to “pretty up” for the masses? Is her talent not enough that you want to own her face too? IT’S HER FACE!! You may think she looks better with make up on – that’s YOUR opinion and you are more than welcome to it, but I would say that in publicly doing so and the way some of you bitched about it says more about you than it does about her.
Your actions speak volumes that with all the troubles going on in the world right now you find the time to whinge about this.😑
Did she say she wouldn’t ever perform again until we free the face, rock its foundation and all follow suit? Did she start an #AllFacesMatter movement? Did she say she despises all those who choose to wear it and finds them all deplorable? No.
She made a choice, which is hers to make, and really should have no affect on your day whatsoever. How can you see beauty in a mask painted on her face but not in its purest form? Why is it more acceptable for us to accept a false image and shun reality?
In her case, even when they accept it, it’s only halfheartedly as she’s accused of having the money to look good naturally!🙈Really!? So how much money does that take then? I’m no expert but I’d figure it would cost more to buy all the paraphernalia you need to put your face on than soap, water and moisturiser.
Maybe the reason why her skin looks so healthy and glowing is the fact that she’s not clogging up her pores with crap and allowing her skin to breathe naturally. In my opinion you are fighting a losing battle when you bitch about having to cover up your bad skin with layers upon layers of slap to “look good”. Who is it you’re trying to impress anyway? If it’s purely self satisfying then go knock yourself out, but if it’s for the benefit of others; if they’re really so small-minded and petty as to only want to know you because of a mask you’re wearing are they worth all the effort?🤔
I’m not against make-up or those that choose to wear it but I’ve never been a fan. I’ve never owned or used more than 3 items in my life. My make up kit consists of eyeliner and lipstick/lipgloss and they only make an appearance when I’m going out-out and even then, after the first application has worn off it’s straight Vaseline on my lips!
I’m comfortable with the way my face is (for now! 👀), and I honestly can’t be arsed with any of it, but should circumstances change, IT WILL BE MY DECISION TO MAKE! And it’s not because I’ve always had perfect skin because I haven’t. I was your typical spotty teen and I’ve had some volcanoes erupt on my chin and forehead in my time along with the best of them, but I honestly believe my not trying to cover them up and feeding them more bacteria helped a lot to give me the skin I have today.
Yet even still, as much as I’m comfortable with it people still believe that to be classed as truly beautiful you have to have some form of enhancement. I’m getting married next year and have been asked by several people what am I going to do about my make up? Apparently I’ve got to at least get my brows done if not lashes and foundation. Erm….do I?…..Why? For whose benefit? I’m good and my fiancé has been happy with the same face for decades and on the day we finally decide to make things legit I intend on meeting him down the aisle with the same face he loves thanks!
Feel free to go full on Coco the Clown on YOUR day or any other day for that matter, but for me that’s not the one!✋🏾
I’ve watched the tutorials on how to go from duff to buff and the more layers I see being applied the more my face starts itching. On the real, some of these women deserve awards for the masterpieces they create because if you’d have shown me a before and after picture I would never have put them in the same room let alone say they were the same person.
Whether you’re a natural beauty or a work of art, as an adult that decision is yours and yours alone to make, and I don’t get why it should matter to anybody else – especially enough for them to get verbal about it. The REAL issues are with you not the person of your displeasure. As Alicia said, DO YOU!!
When you truly take that step you understand that it doesn’t matter what little love is shown from those who mean nothing to you. They’re all about the shade – picking the right one to blend in and throwing the rest in our direction. What they don’t understand is that no matter how much shade they throw, they can’t dim that glow!🌟
It comes from the inside out, and shallow people rarely get that deep. #RealTalk.
Congratulations Dame Sarah Storey, Team GB and all those rapping for their countries in the Paralympics. 07:03:572023-03-30 22:09:55Out Of The Shade And Into The Light
I haven’t bothered to watch the program on “turf wars” aired yesterday. I’ll watch it tonight and give it my full attention next week!
Today I’m asking for the people we class as stars and celebrities to shine their lights a little brighter for the ones who support them and are forever hearing “I wouldn’t be where I am without you!”, well…that’s lovely an’ all, but talk is cheap! If you’re really grateful and you really understand that it is us spending our money on your overpriced tickets, clothing, smellies and shit you’d maybe wanna help keep us alive? #JustSaying.
The message has hit home to a few and I couldn’t bypass the brilliant job that Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers (my all time favourite American football team – no lie!) has been doing in supporting the cause. He can see the situation for what it is and is utilising his platform fully. He knows he risks losing endorsements and the respect of some fans but understands it doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things. I whole heartedly applaud him for telling it like it is when the media was all up in his grill trying to catch him out and make him feel a way about what he’s been doing.
Why should he stand and respect a flag of a country that disrespects its people on every level without the majority of the time ever being held accountable? He understands the root cause and that people like you and me, no matter how much we shout about it, will seldom be heard. It takes his type, who have a bit of sway, to address the masses and talk up and it really doesn’t help when you get a few of us questioning why he’s doing it because “he ain’t even Black!”
Are you serious!?! Sit down and shut up and understand he’s well and truly awake and you’re still tired! Don’t diss him for coming correct like a lot more of us should be doing.
He’s had a reaction from the presidential candidate Donald Trump, who said he should “find a country that works better for him”. It says it all about the man who wants to run that same country – he literally told him to go look elsewhere because, as he sees it, the issues Colin and some others are trying to raise awareness of work for him, and there will be no place for the likes of him and the people he stands for if he’s in charge. It’s all good Trump, we kinda figured! We know you’re working hard at making Amerikkka grate again (no misspelling), Mexico gave us a heads up!
As much as I’m applauding Colin for his efforts I’m left puzzled as to why there’s not a flock of others willing to put their money where their mouth is and make a stand or take a seat for what they know in their hearts is something worth fighting for. WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU? Beyoncé I applaud you too for your efforts honey, but you need to get your hubby and friends in Formation, get the hot sauce out your bag and dash it clean the eyes of the enemy! #RealTalk.
I can think of at least 5 of your bff’s alone that could create a huge change. WHERE ARE THEY!?! What’s the hold up my brothers and sisters? How much more do you need to see before you realise that we really do need your help!? It makes me wonder if the whole illuminati thing IS really a thing?
I’ve heard stories and conspiracy theories and I really don’t know enough to get into it, but let’s say they did sell their souls to the devil for money and power; is that the reason they can’t really do or say too much or are they just greedy fuckers who are scared of losing what they believe to be, the be all and end all of life? I’ve got 21 questions but I’ll let you get cracking on those first!
The focus isn’t just in Amerikkka, the struggle is real here too, yet it’s a tad quiet on the home front. There’s a lot of skinning teet’ when her Maj’ decides to fling a piece of silver and a title at you, but where’s the support for your fellow Kings and Queens?
Will you be giving interviews about the attacks on the Notting Hill Carnival and the powers that be trying to put a negative spin on it despite the percentage of arrests being small in comparison to the amount of people who were there? Will you be asking Lizzie and Theresa for reparations for your fellow brethren so we can better ourselves and invest in our futures which was denied to many of our ancestors? Will you kind Sir?
I’m not saying their achievements don’t deserve to be recognised I’m just saying it would be nice if when they’re there skinning said teet’ with them they used their platform and highlighted what has been, and continues to be overlooked. That’s why I have to respect Howard Gayle for refusing his MBE and speaking up as to why. Like Colin he’s willing to show and prove he’s not all talk and actually gives a damn. The rest of y’all need to come out of hiding!
The last word is for my mate Tasha who asked me for my thoughts on the whole Kunte Kinte-Corrie debate. I told you I’d sleep on it and this is my conclusion; Coronation Street is a fictional drama series based on real life and Roots was a fictional drama series based on real life past events. In real life there were slaves and in real life there are dumb, ignorant, racist fuckwits so why not air it?
BUT if it’s based on “reality” can someone please tell me, as I don’t watch any British soaps, has there been a mention of Black Lives Matter in any episodes? Did Audrey and the family take a trip to Notting Hill Carnival, or at least Leeds to dab and dutty whine? I’m sure there are many in real life that did….but not down Coronation Street. In their reality none of that’s happening…but they’ve got the fuckwits down to a tee! Bravo!!
I’ve more of an issue with the real life events that are happening now and affecting us that are not being shown on the real life news than what was said on some dry ass fictional soap and I would urge the rest of you to do the same! #TheyCallItDramaForAReason
To those out there with the power of the platform: Sup up that lemonade!
It’s time for some, time for some ACTION!*
R.I.P Makayah McDermott and Rosie Cooper
Let’s Get Ready To Rumble, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
⚠This is long and a bit sweary but worth a read and a share, especially if you’re from Slough!
R.I.P’d Off covers issues that mainly effect Black people and just this week alone there are a number of them I could pick from but after hearing the fuckery that I heard a few days ago this took precedence as it’s happening in the town that I live in – and where better to start than home?
I need to try to clear this shit off my doorstep before one of my daughters accidentally treads in it and brings it in my home! To say I’m pissed off with what I’m hearing doesn’t even cover it! I love my people but I’m building up a heavy intolerance to a few – as a good friend would say, I’m allergic! Today it’s your turn “Mandem”.
I know I’m gonna sound like an old fart now but bear with me, I’m only 41 so it’s not that long ago that I was born and bred in Slough and I have never lived anywhere else…yet! It’s not the greatest town but it’s home and I’m comfortable(ish) in my surroundings.
When I was younger there were no “ends” and in my opinion the government have a big part to play in the creation of the dickheads who go on about them. We had play centres, youth clubs and a sense of community. Almost every part of Slough had a play centre and you would go and check mates in different ones, play pool, badminton, basketball, football, whatever took your fancy. They’d be parties, jokes and generally a good vibe.
No, it wasn’t The Get-Along-Gang all the time, and a few people would fall out every now and then but the majority of the time it was cool. Then the government in their infinite wisdom decided to close them all and hand the youth over to technology and out on the streets and low and behold – the “Mandem” were born.
Call me old fashioned but I honestly believe if they were still around today things would be different. We might even find a new Olympic champion who turned their life around after discovering a love for badminton or basketball, you never bloody know, stranger shit has happened! Sometimes the simplest solutions solve the biggest problems. #RealTalk.
I’m so tired of the same old story: man’s gotta shot and brandish guns to be considered a bad man, spend x-amount of money on fancy cars and other materialistic shit whilst running down a next “man” whose not from “ends” who tries to invade their territory and swindle them out of what’s theirs blah, blah, blah.
You would rather risk your life or freedom to make that paper, it’s all good as long as you can floss that Rolex! You like to call yourselves the MANdem but our definitions of a man are very different. In my eyes a real man knows life is worth more than silver and gold. He’s trying to build a solid foundation for himself and his own so when the big, bad wolf comes around he won’t have to run and his house won’t get blown down, ya get me fam? No, you probably don’t, because it’s hard to see the bigger picture when you’re only focused on the corners.
We all know it’s not easy out there for us but you lot are making it harder. I understand the need for a little side hustle if things get tight but it shouldn’t be a career choice.
All you do when you glorify your ‘thug life’ is plant seeds in young impressionable minds and give the police the excuse they’ve been looking for for so long to arm themselves on the daily; and we’ve all seen how well that works out for us in other countries.
All the while you’re making it easier for them by wiping each other out over nonsensical bullshit. FUCKING ENDS!! THEY’RE NOT YOURS. YOU DO NOT OWN THEM!! WAKE UP MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!
There are better ways to do for you and yours and if we pull together we could all be living well. I really don’t understand the risks you choose to take so you can have it all now – but for how long will you have it?
Wouldn’t you rather have something you can enjoy without having to look over your shoulder to keep it secure or ever getting to really enjoy it because you’re doing time or dead? I truly believe everyone has something they can bring to the table. This shit can work and we are stronger together.
Even the real fucking G’s that you try so hard to emulate are standing together so hurry up and follow this trend as quickly as you follow the rest! I’m behind any one who tries to better themselves and the community and will try to support you as much as I can, but when I’m asked to share videos about us bringing each other down over bullshit when we are being wiped out on a daily basis just for being black and innocent people get caught up in the crossfire, I’ll pass thanks.
Call me what you want (and I’m sure you will), but I really couldn’t give a toss! I’m not about that life or advocating it, unlike the mediaagghh who I see are advertising a new documentary on gangland/turf wars around Britain. It’s not a coincidence they’re putting this out there on the tell-lie-vision now with all the racial tension from Brexit surfacing – more ammunition for more ammunition!
So that being said I want to bring to your attention the absolute fuckery I learned of this week. By all accounts there’s a gang of little fuckwits in Slough who believe they have the power to bar girls from certain areas and if they have the audacity to step out of their bounds they’ll get a beat down……Yeh you heard me right – they will beat a girl down for walking in their own town – nothing more. And it’s actually happening.
They’ve managed to brainwash some girls into beating them as a form of initiation and they are being pulled down a slippery slope. I’m going to urge parents to start taking more of an interest in what your children are doing, TODAY!!
We need to teach our daughters to never disrespect each other without a bloody good reason, and never because a man tells them what to do! Once that starts, where’s it going to end? Be aware of what’s going on on your children’s social media sites, and more seriously we need to pull together and put this shit in check.
How is this happening in Slough? Seriously, HOW!?! Who the fuck are these BOYdem? I strongly suggest you find out what your children are up to BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, and if you find out your child is connected to this mess have a strong word. Don’t just take their word for it that everything’s cool – check and triple check that you know what’s going on before you jump to little precious’ defence when shit goes down.
Explain consequences to them for their own safety, because one day they’re gonna pick on the wrong girl – like MY child for example, and then they will know about consequences.
I’m all about peace and love, but only to a certain degree. You don’t put a hand on my child unless she puts her hands on you first, which she shouldn’t because I’ve taught them better than that, but if they ever do, feel free to address me because if the roles are reversed I will be addressing you, and I know damn well that their dad won’t have it; AND IT WILL NOT BE PRETTY! You have been warned!!
YOU DO NOT DICTATE WHERE MY CHILDREN CAN GO IN THEIR OWN TOWN, OR OUT OF IT! Who do they think they are? Despite what these little fuckers think, they don’t run things and I’m hoping that it has only gone so far because not enough people are aware – well now you are, and I’m sure the community spirit will kick in again……or just straight kicks will suffice – I’m down for whatever! #JustSaying.
So to the established “Mandem” I urge you to take a good look at how you’re living and check out what’s growing from the seeds you plant. I know some of you have daughters, sisters, nieces, cousins – are you telling me you’d be cool with your princess or relation getting battered for crossing some imaginary line cos ‘man a bad man’ and runs these ends? No, I didn’t think so!
Adam Gemili I feel your pain but you did Team GB proud! #YourTimeSoonCome
R.I.P Dalian Atkinson, Lance Walker, Andre and all those who have lost their lives this week
Omran we are praying for you and Syria
What You Sow You Reap, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
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