Perhaps the only blessings that being diagnosed with cancer and the days following has given me are clarity and appreciation. My appreciation for life has given me more clarity and focus on the things that make life worth living.
Every minute is magical and it can take less time than that for something truly life changing to happen – be it good or bad, so make the time count with the good stuff. When the bad comes around you’ll have those days to look back on, and when the amazingly good comes around it’s an added bonus to the joy you were already having.
It’s really not about money, so no eye rolling and ‘I wish I could afford to’ talk! It comes from the simplest of things – a walk, a talk, a kiss, a hug, even a likkle rub-a-dub! A girly night where you reign supreme as the Black Jack Queen👑 – anything!
Good stuff comes in all sizes and a lot of it can be had for free. Unfortunately the same can be said of the bad stuff too, and this is when clarity comes into play.
Given time most of us can see the light. It’s made more effortless when you’ve actually experienced a significant life change; a bit like Scrooge being shown the error of his ways.
Our sense of decency and conscience should kick in, but again I suppose it depends on where you set your levels (Can You Feel The Beat?), but if some people got a taste of what they put others through would they be so eager to behave in the same way?
If they had a brush with death would they be so quick to wish it upon others? I like to think not, but we’re all wired differently, and for some it doesn’t matter the circumstance they will remain the same. That’s when the real challenge is on.
When it boils down to the nitty gritty and you know there are no other options but one; there is no fight or flight – it’s fight and fight harder because it’s for the greater good (and we’re all about the good!), that’s always worth putting in time for.
It ain’t easy – far, far from it, and obviously it’s easier if you’re part of a pack; but a lone wolf can change the game and David beat Goliath so there’s hope for us all!
I think mine is enhanced by being a Black Scorpio woman – by stereotype alone that’s a heady mix in itself without the added vision cancer brings. I don’t tick all of the stereotypical boxes by far, but some are marked in permanent ink.
I’m not afraid to talk up, possibly a little too much some would say, but I’d rather be heard than stay quiet, especially if it’s something worth fighting for, and I can differentiate between what should be given time and energy and what shouldn’t.
Yes, I can be fiery, emotional and passionate – what can I say, I’m only human, and it’s caused because I love, I care and I truly appreciate life. Understand I’m beyond wanting to willingly spend my time around toxic people, so if I do happen to find myself mixed up with those such types, believe it’s for the most precious of reasons.
Naturally my health is a factor. I’ve been given a gift that comes with conditions, one of those being to avoid stress, and although it may not look like it I am trying and promise to try harder!
I know my genuine friends and family are concerned and I heed their call. I have my annual check up in a few months time and I’m praying things are still ok, I’ve got a lot to look forward to!
In the meantime I will continue to make the good times count and keep fighting for who and what I believe in, even if it means fighting a human form of cancer in the process. #RealTalk.
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.
Fight The Good Fight, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife 20:24:252023-09-01 09:51:18Now You C Me (Part 5)
I thought I’d lighten the mood a bit this week!….well I say lighten – it’s a joke to some but being a sufferer I know it’s not so funny. It’s a battle myself and many others have to live with on a daily basis. By todays headlines it’s actually being classed as a brain abnormality, which it could well be as I see nothing abnormal in the reactions it provokes. I’m talking about Misophonia.
What the hell is that you wonder, we’ll let me break it down for you. It’s people who cannot bear certain sounds, which in itself sounds ridiculous but trust me, it’s a thing! I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve wanted to throat punch someone for the ungodly and downright sickening experience of having to watch and hear them eat. Mouth open and…(OMG I can feel my heart rate intensifying and my right eye twitching just thinking about it), THE NOISES!! Like friggin’ pigs at a trough BUT THEY’RE HUMANS…supposedly!
I get some foods are noisy and you can’t avoid making a sound whilst eating them, but when you add your own sound effects on top of that you’re taking things to a whole new level. The slurping, clapping, smacking of lips alongside the moist squishy sounds incorporated with the view of the food being churned honestly makes me want to fuck you up – especially if I’m eating at the same time!! And then you get the ones who want to add to the mix and TALK to you too.✋🏾😷🤢😤😡😢
I actually know people who won’t say shit whilst putting the food on the fork but got plenty to say when their mouth is full. Why!?!? So on top of you freaking me out and pissing me off I have to avoid your missiles too!? Thanks, but sharing ain’t caring in this instance.
Obviously I can’t react in the way I would like to and repeatedly batter them or jook them in the eye with their fork so, wherever possible, I make efforts to remove myself from the offender whilst gritting my teeth, throwing them daggers and actively wishing they choke – just a little! Harsh I know but real talk all the same.
Misophonia isn’t just about food related noises, it can be any noise that triggers it in people; breathing, nails on a chalkboard, certain materials rubbing against another, even babies crying etc. Coming a close second to the eaters for me are, wait for it….balloons.
Again, I know it sounds ridiculous but I kid you not, one of the most truly disturbing times I’ve ever had is at a TGI Fridays. It put me right off my Jack Daniels shrimp I tell ya! It was like every child in there had a birthday – ok, maybe not every child but 4 at least, meaning 4 different sets of kids, and what did they do? Come out singing their ‘Happy, Happy Birthday’ ditty and make fucking balloon animals for every bastard one of them!
I was seriously traumatised. I felt physically sick and the tears were welling up. I felt hot and cold and had to put my headphones in and blast my music, cover my ears on top of that and rock gently whilst the rest of my family watched me with side eye as I told them to eat up, grabbed my bag and headed for the door.
It’s not even about them popping – it’s the sounds they make when they’re being handled – even the Almighty knows, it hits my soul and not in a good way. The struggle is real people! Believe that!
You may think you’re a bit weird sometimes but when you check it you’ve actually got more in common with most than you think. We all have our quirks and things that do our heads in or rub us up the wrong way. Some of it may seem irrational to others but we know different.
I realise I probably shouldn’t have given you that ammunition to use against me, but if any of you try it I will stab you safe in the knowledge it’s now been scientifically acknowledged as me having a brain abnormality and possibly get away with it! #JustSaying.
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week. 17:10:462023-03-31 00:10:55Hear No Evil!
Apologies for being a tad late! Truth be told I’ve had a lot on my mind mixed with a few long days, late nights and some upsetting news which have taken their toll. I had to have a recharge and get my head together. Nearly there!!
We all have our faults – ALL OF US! I’m no angel and I’ve done a few bad things in my past. During my mid teens I was a bit naughty but not majorly, (well, in my eyes anyway!) – a few white lies, petty crime like shoplifting etc.🙈
Yes, I put my hands up and admit it. I’m not overly proud of it or downplaying it, it happened, but by the time I reached my late teens all that had stopped.
I moved out of home at 17 and realised I was going to have to get a job to pay the bills and generally fix up! That’s about the extent of my wrongdoings and were made at an age where although it’s not right, it’s slightly more acceptable – I’ll put it down to being young and reckless, but I reached a stage where I knew I had to grow up and now the “bad” habits I have are more personal than anything that could cause anybody else grief or distress.
As adults we’re suppose to be able to differentiate between right and wrong. We’re suppose to understand that our actions have consequences, people can get hurt and we are responsible for our actions. Unfortunately some people don’t quite get it or simply just don’t give a fuck.
If you’ve tried to connect with that person and explained that what they are doing or have done is wrong, and they’ve honestly tried to atone or amend their errors and actually get it, then I’m all for forgiveness (to a certain extent), trust may be a bigger issue, but one step at a time!
If, on the other hand, you still continue with your antics after being told, you actually just don’t give a fuck and in turn neither will I when it comes to addressing you again. Real👏🏾Fucking👏🏾Talk👏🏾
I’m fully aware of how short life can be. It can be gone in a heartbeat, or four. I was hit with some news that caused me to reevaluate and revisit a lot of things that have happened in the past few years that have still to be fully addressed; things I won’t allow to be swept under the carpet or brushed off as unimportant.
Not all families get along and I am no exception as you will discover, but my relationship with my mum has always been solid.
A lot of friends have had parents pass away recently and I’ve sadly witnessed their loss and hurt and I’m dreading the day I’m in their shoes. In the meantime I will ALWAYS have her back and her best interests at heart.
We may not have had much but she was ALWAYS there. I love her dearly and I’m blessed to have her still with me at the age of 82 despite having vascular dementia and other health issues.
At the time she was diagnosed with dementia I was going through chemotherapy but that didn’t stop me from taking care of her. SHE’S MY MUM. Enough said. When you truly love someone you will fight for them, no matter what.
As you can imagine it’s been a hard time but life ain’t easy! No one wants to watch a loved one decline, it’s bloody heartbreaking, but you do what comes naturally when it’s someone you love. It wasn’t made any easier to begin with and still isn’t now, but that’s something I’ll address later.
I just want those people involved to know that nothing has been forgotten and your time will come. You keep talking and I’ll let my actions speak for me as you seem to forget yours do to.
Today I’m just making things quite clear so you can revise your tales whilst I dot my i’s and cross my t’s in preparation for when that NuDawn breaks because believe I will be firing stone cold lyrical bullets straight at ya! #JustSaying.
I honestly try to avoid drama and pick my words and battles carefully. If we’re friends on Facebook you’ll see I’m not the beefing type and don’t air my business or “check in” every 2 minutes but once in a blue moon exposure of others can be counterbalanced as a warning – not purely idle gossip.
I know myself and I know my worth and I’m fully aware of how precious time is after my life experiences, so I want you all to understand and hear me clearly when I say that there are certain incidents and circumstances caused by a certain type (Sticks And Stones (Part 1), whose actions will never be forgiven by me – end of.
Miss me with the forgiveness bullshit, I feel no way and I don’t care who you are or think you are, or how much older you may be; I will not be allowing you.
Respect is earned and given in return. It doesn’t come automatically because you’re an elder or have the ability to make others believe your lies and deceit. Smooth talking and crocodile tears will only get you so far and one day your shit will blow up in your face.
Remember that as you sit in church in your Sunday best sheep clothing and try to fool God too. I’ll wait patiently for that day knowing I have the truth to wash my hands clean.
The wise know there are two sides to every story and will wait to hear both before judging. If you still decide to stand by, defend or enable the bullshit don’t be surprised when the shit spray hits you too.
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.
R.I.P to civil liberty in AmeriKKKa!
Think Before You Act, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife 18:04:562023-03-31 00:08:02By His Deeds Shall A Man Be Known
Yes, I’m aware it’s the day AmeriKKKa officially confirms the madness but I really ain’t got time for that! I’ll be unwittingly seeing more than enough of Trumps face in the media over the next four years without me spending my precious time purposely tuning in.
There’s nothing about it I want to see and the fear I had of an assassination when Obama took the stage is most definitely not present in this case! FAR, FAR FROM IT!!
I’d rather discuss something else that’s happening today. It’s the UK release date of The Birth Of A Nation. I doubt that you’ve heard much about it and I don’t have to think long and hard as to why! It’s the story of Nat Turner, a slave preacher who led a two day rebellion of fellow slaves and free men in 1831.
They rolled through plantations freeing slaves and recruiting others and killed over 60 white men, women and children in the process before being captured and dealt with accordingly. And why would you want to watch it Dawn? I imagine it’s not the most comfortable viewing but, well, neither is Roots or 12 Years A Slave, but I guess it’s always more palatable to watch a Black man of that time suffer and/or die as it’s what we’re use to seeing right?
The fact is, as you can imagine, when you’re treated like a dog for so long one day you’ll bite back. For the majority of us we were tolerant, patient and full of the belief that better days gon’ come….for the rest they weren’t willing to wait for their freedom and took a stand.
I’m not saying I agree with the slaughter but I can understand the horrors they’d lived through, witnessing their own women and children being used, abused, tortured, raped, sold and murdered for years – that has to have a psychological impact without a doubt. It’s not an excuse for it, but it’s a very good reason and incite into the desperation they must have experienced to go to those levels. #RealTalk.
Funnily enough, this film didn’t do so well in AmeriKKKa. The first reason is in the title itself. Written and directed by Nate Parker, he chose the title from a 1915 film of the same name (although it was originally known as The Clansman), a 3 hour long film that basically glorifies and makes heroes of the Ku Klux Klan and is credited as being inspiration for their second era.
Ironically, it was also the first AmeriKKKan motion picture to be screened at the White House. Yeh…just let that sink in for a min! No doubt Donald’s looking to dust off the reel for a hit of nostalgia at the after party tonight. Ahhhhh, the good old days! #LetsMakeAmeriKKKaGrateAgain
Another reason for it taking a hit was the fact that back in 1999 Nate Parker was accused and found not guilty of rape. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a heinous act to say the least, but he was put on trial and cleared. He has never shied away from it and has always maintained his innocence but that makes very little difference to some. The Birth Of A Nation birthed a lot more hate than anything else.
You see the girl in question was a White girl – which really should make no difference at all – but in 2016 AmeriKKKa, with tensions high and Trump rallying the White Walkers, it was enough to get the hate train rolling despite it being some 17 years earlier that he was accused and acquitted. That, added to the insolence of using the name of a “classic” to virtually blacken its content – OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Well…they would if they could, but they couldn’t, so they did the next best thing; lock it and knock it down – or at least try. Most media outlets will tell you it’s disappointing and not worth watching. Certain cinemas in AmeriKKKa told customers it was sold out and suggested other films knowing full well it wasn’t, therefore making it look like there was very little interest in it and it was classed as a box office disaster. Job done!
Reality bites sometimes but it is what it is and the Nat Turner story was a reality. Over the years they’ve portrayed all the different sides to slavery – why the big problem with this one? Because 60 Whites died?
How about you compare it to the thousands of Black people that died in slavery over the centuries or even the 200 that died in retaliation for the revolt itself – the majority of whom had nothing to do with it – AND the fact they tightened the laws after that to hold us down even further.
I don’t know why I’m asking because to those types there is no comparison and never will be because no matter who we are or what we do, to them being White Trumps all – they are the fine china to our disposable plates.
It may well be a shit film but I’ll judge that for myself and I encourage you to do the same.
R.I.P to those being laid to rest today and to those who have lost their lives this week
Condolences to AmeriKKKa on this sad and sorry day.
Fasten Your Seat-belts, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
Yep, we’re going back to Black this week! There are 3 main reasons for me doing so. Firstly, the absolutely disgusting and sickening event of four Black teenagers arrested in Chicago for kidnapping and torturing a mentally ill white man. Words almost (but not quite!) fail me as to what the Hell they were doing – or smoking – because that’s some next level kind of madness.
This should never, under any circumstances have ever occurred, but I’m glad they filmed it and put it out there as absolute proof that they were responsible for those sick and twisted actions. Things like this go to undo the good the rest of us are trying to do, causes more hate and more watching us sideways. There are no excuses and it is what it is, but it isn’t all of us that think that way or would use those actions.
I have no doubt that they will be dealt with swiftly and bang to rights in no time at all – and rightly so. You commit a crime, especially one like kidnap and torture, you most definitely deserve to do the time! Caught on camera too!?! Goodnight sweetheart, it’s time to put your head down.
My heart honestly goes out to the victim and I hope that he gets all the help he needs to recover. It’s not nice being the victim of any crime when you’re fully functioning let alone mentally ill and chosen simply for the colour of your skin.
I highly applaud the efforts of the police in dealing with things as simply and effortlessly as they did; job well done. It’s nice to have faith in a system that can decipher right from wrong and put the bad guys away….the ones that count to them anyway, and yeh, I’m going there!
Unless you are totally oblivious to what’s happening in the real world it cannot have escaped your notice the flaws in the justice system when it comes to addressing black people.
For the majority of us the majority of the time, we have already committed the crime of being Black whilst breathing so innocent or not, we already have a strike against us. Why is it so hard to get a conviction when the colours are reversed and there is clear evidence of wrongdoing? Not so swift then is it?
I read a few comments made by some white people when it happened and saw what I expected to see in such a case. A lot of blaming the Black Lives Matter movement and “typical Black people”. I’m not sure where these people are living that that is the typical behaviour of the black people they know, but I’d suggest a move sharpish! I’m sure they’re not generalising at all!
A comment I saw that stuck with me was of one guy saying he doesn’t understand why black people continue to fight a losing battle. He said white people have always had, and will always have the power and it’s been that way throughout time so we should know our place by now and accept we’ll always be the underdogs.
Now he may well have been a troll for all I know but I have no doubt there are many that believe in that kind of thinking. He’s right though, it is evident as he stated that that has been the case for a mighty long time, but in that same vein he should know by now that WE AIN’T QUITTERS! #RealTalk.
We’ll always be that itch you can’t quite scratch; you know that type that gets right under your skin….
Moving on to the second thing that caught my attention and made me happy and sad at the same time; the sentencing of Dylann Roof. For those who’ve forgotten who he is, he’s the unbelievable piece of work from South Carolina, who after being welcomed with open arms into the oldest Black church in the South, and sitting with them for 45 minutes, decided to then fire seventy five bullets at them killing nine and injuring three others. You don’t really get much lower than that.
In present times it would not bode well if he had had a soft sentence considering the pampering and pussyfooting around him from arrest to conviction. It’s funny how when it comes to us they can call a spade a spade (pun intended) but when it’s Dylann and his type, they’re just fifty shades of confused.
For me I’m more than happy that the death sentence was given as he’s shown not one iota of remorse throughout it all. I’m glad he gets to suffer for a while contemplating the only joy he has left in his life….what will my last meal be? Fancy a Burger King you sonofabitch!?!
I’m all for an eye for an eye in this case. He took away eighteen, I’ll have his two. I’m hoping this gives the families some kind of peace. There’s no doubt they’d much rather have their loved ones here but at least they don’t have to suffer complete injustice on top of it.
And finally I couldn’t bypass the final speeches of the POTUS and FLOTUS! If you know you know that Presidents are just the puppets on display so I won’t go into the politics but as the people they are. I can say from the heart that as AmeriKKKas first Black President and First Lady you’ve done us more than proud.
I love the way you handled your business with style, dignity, class, grace, humour and compassion with a hint of swagger on the side! You raised two beautiful daughters and the love you have for each other is blinding. Not a whiff of scandal or dodgy stains on people’s clothing – (wait…was that Olivia Pope just leaving?👀) All jokes aside they set a fine example for us all.
They will undoubtedly be missed by many and I have a feeling that in four years time a lot of their haters will be wishing they could turn the clock back, in fact I’m sure it won’t even take that long.
Big up yourselves Brrrrraaappp Obama and Michelle. Did you show them what you’re working with? YES YOU DID!
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.
Do Us Proud – Don’t Do Us Down, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
Well no one can say that 2016 wasn’t an eventful year! Not all great events to say the least, but eventful nonetheless! I’m not going to go over the highs and lows – if you don’t know, you’ll soon get to know about some of them as a lot of the events have far reaching repercussions that will be felt well into the New Year and beyond.
The past 7 days have been a doozy for deaths, especially of celebrities. It just goes to prove as I said a few weeks ago, that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have; when your time’s up, your time’s up! Yet despite knowing we only have a limited time here that could be cut short at any moment, some people still choose to waste time – which is fine and their prerogative – but don’t attempt to waste mine.
They say everything happens for a reason and there’s a blessing in every lesson. The older I’ve become, the more I believe that it’s true. Some life experiences have the knack of waking you up to reality. Some of us acknowledge this and grow and change; some remain the same. For the growers and changers we understand that not everybody will get it and wonder why we’re not playing the game anymore. Why we don’t respond or rise to certain situations. It’s because we know there’s more to life than fuckery and no matter who they are; friend, family or foe, there’s nothing more important than doing you first.
I don’t know how much time I have left on this Earth but I do know I still have 3 and a half years before the cloud over my head is officially lifted. I try not to think about it too much and let the sun shine through, but was recently reminded that too much stress is fuel for cancer and my body is throwing out warning signs. Some of the stress cannot be avoided but others can and I have made the conscious decision to eliminate unnecessary stress causing shit from my life. Signs are everywhere trust me, we just have to be awake enough to see them and heed them.
I’m not expecting 2017 to bring miracles (as much as I may wish it!) but it will undoubtedly bring change. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life, most importantly the man who has given me the most – my beautiful (though sometimes challenging!) daughters and 100% unconditional love. I honestly can’t wait to wear my official Queen Wifey crown and live our life. It’ll be stressful no doubt, but it’s the type I can handle. This kind of stress ends with better days and beautiful memories – I can work with that!
A humongous thank you to one and all who’ve taken the time out to read my blogs. I know time is precious and I’m grateful for the minutes you give up and your support. I wish you all good health, wealth, blessings and happiness in 2017. It will get bumpy at times but remember the lows are there so we truly can appreciate the highs. Try to find a positive in every day – even if it’s just that you woke up this morning!
To 2016 I say, Bye Felicia! You’ve been tripping on all kinds of levels and I’ve received your lessons but you’ve overstayed your welcome. Thank you very much for your services but could you now, ever so politely, fuck off! #JustSaying
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week and year. I pray you are resting in peace. 11:48:592023-03-30 23:50:09Out With The Old
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