Pinch, punch, first day of the month and all that jazz. I’m moving on from the babies of last week and fast forwarding to the late teens. In October my eldest daughter will be 18 – supposedly an adult in the eyes of the law.

Despite whether or not I believe she is capable of living an adult life, the law says she can. It got me thinking who wrote these laws we’re suppose to live by and who’s in charge of updating and/or amending them?

I mean, the same law states that it’s legal for a 16 year old to have sex, allowing them the possibility to become responsible for another life, but they still need to be accompanied by an adult to have a cider with a meal if dining out. Now tell me there’s nothing wrong with this picture?

Transitioning from a child to an adult usually involves a heavy dose of hormones and headache. They can jump from one emotion to another in a heartbeat and somehow every issue they face is your fault.

I’m lucky to have not been tested too much by my girls as yet but I’ve had cause to watch them sideways and sometimes wanting to pinch, punch them when words STILL don’t sink in, but after a few more choice words I manage to restrain myself and retreat to my boudoir for some deep breathing and herbal relief.

It’s not really my thing but back in the day you could discipline your child with a slap and it wasn’t an issue, in fact it worked wonders for some. I’m not talking about assault and battery but a tap to show that their behaviour won’t be tolerated.

Nowadays a hand doesn’t even have to twitch before the kid’s talking about child abuse and reaching for the phone to call Childline; which is great in the right circumstances, but not if the “abuse” they are calling about is because mum won’t let you out because you haven’t cleaned your room. Don’t get it twisted, some of these kids can be straight up terrors and will get you shot in the blink of an eye!

A few weeks ago I read about a mother of 4 being tagged because her eldest refuses to stay in school. He has learning difficulties and his specialist school was closed due to lack of funding so he now has to attend a mainstream school that he can’t keep up with and is being bullied in. Despite being bigger and stronger than her she manages to get him there but he subsequently leaves.

She has asked the school for help and asked for him to be moved to another school and had no joy with either. She’s done all she can and has 3 other children to deal with (who have perfect attendance) and yet the powers that be’s answer to her problem is to tag HER because she can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink. Tell me who and how that is helping please? And what message is that sending out to her son apart from him being able to do what he likes whilst mum faces the repercussions?

As parents the majority of us try to do the best by our children and steer them in the right direction, which isn’t easy when you’ve got a government that has helped to create Generation Effed and is happy to leave them by the wayside and blame you for not dealing with the fallout.

We can only try our hardest and hope and pray they emerge as well rounded adults. There are a lot of factors that go into making them what they are and we can be held responsible for some but not all. We brought them into the world and they will always be our babies, but they will ultimately grow up and make their own choices and mistakes.

Personally I believe it’s nature that determines the type of person we will become rather than nurture, although it plays a part. A saint and a sociopath can have the exact same loving upbringing yet travel down very different paths so don’t be too hard on yourselves parents – with all the obstacles we face, we’ve done well to get them this far! #RealTalk




Congratulations Anthony Joshua – I can’t stand boxing but applaud your achievements.

R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.


God Bless The Child, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

What a week the world has witnessed! Waaayyyy too many topics up for discussion and unfortunately the majority of it is highly depressing and I don’t have the energy to attempt to decipher it. One story in particular gave me food for thought though, especially as it was my daughters 15th birthday on Saturday.

Being a parent was a choice I made knowing it wasn’t going to be easy, but you never really know how hard something is until you’re in the thick of it. Thankfully, I have so far been able to handle (just about!) what was bestowed upon me twice. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for many, some through no fault of their own, but others choosing to handle things in ways I will never understand.

I don’t remember giving birth to my daughter. Some may say that’s a good thing but for me, not so much. It wasn’t that I was high on drugs or so zoned out it became some sort of surreal experience, and I will explain fully another day, but the outcome was completely losing all memory of having her and being introduced to this little red-skinned cutie two weeks after having her and not instantly knowing she was mine!🙈

In fairness to myself, her sister was darker when she was born so I was expecting to see the same ok!! Jokes aside, I’m not sure if it was nature or nurture that kicked in but it took no time at all to bond with her. She was mine and I loved her. The fact that she was as chilled as you like was an added bonus but even if she wasn’t (take a bow firstborn!), it wouldn’t have mattered, she’s a baby I created – totally helpless, dependent and my responsibility. I wasn’t about to, or would ever intentionally, let anything bad happen to her and 15 years later things ain’t changing!

I know hate is a strong word but it doesn’t even come close to what I feel about adults that choose to abuse babies and/or children. I’ve recently had the pleasure of cuddling a couple of newborns and it makes my blood run cold that some could even think about causing something so tiny and precious harm. There are no excuses in my eyes and I was utterly disgusted at a story I read about an abhorrent couple named Jeffrey Wiltshire and Rosalin Baker.

They staged the death of their 16 week old daughter Imani, and made it appear she had fallen ill on a bus, knowing the poor child was already dead. By all accounts they are drug addicts, with 52 year old Wiltshire being the “father” of 25 children. He insisted he’s not a life taker, he’s a baby maker. Is that so? Well this baby maker left his daughter with 40 rib fractures, a broken wrist and terrible head injuries so I beg to differ. I can’t even imagine how you manage to fracture a 16 week old baby’s ribs 40 times let alone the rest.

How could they do it? Why? I get that a teenager might push you to the point of wanting to do damage sometimes but what could a baby have done to warrant all of that hurt and pain? Why couldn’t they give her up if they didn’t want her? I’ve got 21 questions and then some but all I know is I’m hoping that there is a special place in Hell for those two and their like and Imani’s soul finds the love that was missing on Earth.

If for whatever reason you can’t love the child you were blessed with do them a favour and find someone that will because they didn’t ask to be here. I’m not going to glamorise parenthood as the real deal parents will know it’s a bloody hard job but it can be so rewarding…(eventually) for some! You may not see it or feel it at first but the rewards come in many different ways.

Some people simply aren’t cut out to do the job but there are plenty of people out there who would happily do it for them if given a chance. Without trying to offend anyone religiously or otherwise, there are options if you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy or a baby/child you cannot handle.

I don’t believe in abortion as a form of contraception but I do believe women should have the choice, especially if the pregnancy is the result of rape. If the pressure is too much after you’ve given birth, seek help! Ok, I said I’m not trying to offend but I’m straight up going to now. There are certain religions that will do you down for having an abortion, being unmarried or marrying out of their comfort zone, but turn a blind eye to the abuse and murder of children because their abusers wear cassocks and habits.

They will tell you how it’s unnatural and perverted for two men or two women to raise a child whilst fiddling the choirboys/girls on the side; but that’s not perverted at all!

For me parents are people who can provide love, safety and a sense of stability. I would rather a child be loved by unconventional parents than abused by the ‘norm’. I’ve heard stories of single people being turned down for adoption or fostering with the only reason being they are on their own. Why?

Isn’t it better for them to have the love of one than none? Imani had both parents and look what happened to her. I’ve said it before; just because you can make a baby it doesn’t make you a model mum or dad, and just because you can’t have one naturally it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be one. Here’s hoping the world wakes up some time soon.

R.I.P Ugo Ehiogu, Germaine Mason and all those who have lost their lives this week.


I Got You Babe, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

Well!! It’s been a week of ups, downs and eye openers so no long thing today as I’m shattered!

A few highlights of the week have included paying my respects at a funeral, the day after that congratulating and celebrating the birth of a new princess to the family and the day after that I thought April Fools Day had come early, only to realise it wasn’t a prank but the joke is well and truly on them!

On Tuesday I attended the funeral of an old school friend. I didn’t see him that often but when we did bump into each other, no matter how fleeting the time, I was always greeted with a smile and he just had a good vibe about him.

I saw him two weeks before he died and as usual hailed him up with him reciprocating and flashing his gold teeth. Now there’s a lot of speculation as to events that lead up to his death but we will never know the full story and I’m not about to add to it. Life has a way of throwing shit at us, and until we’re in a particular situation ourselves we don’t know how we’ll handle it so I try hard not to judge. Instead I choose to remember the gentle giant that loved his dogs and gave me jokes back in the day, and I’m glad that so many others came to celebrate his life too.

I attended the funeral with a cousin who was due to give birth in 8 days. The last thing I said to her on that day was, “Ooh, any day now really, Tash. Next time I see you, you’ll be a mummy!” Little did we know, bubba had no intention of cooking for another week and put in an appearance the day after!

It just goes to show that we can plan things and hope they turn out the way we would like, but time waits for no man and will show you who’s really in charge! #RealTalk

That brings me to Thursday and the realisation that some people are in the wrong profession and should be writing comedy because they’ve got jokes for days!

Although I may have thought time can’t come quick enough for some things to happen it’s actually proved to me it’s because it was giving others the chance to gather enough rope to hang themselves.

I can’t divulge any details yet but hang tight, I’ve got a doozie coming real soon. Remember Sticks And Stones. (Part 1)?, well Hurricane Dawn has been gathering force since then and you’d better believe for some there will be no peace in the eye of this storm. Folk need to get comfy in the bed they’ve made – like I’m about to get comfy in mine!

Celebrate life for real people. Tomorrow is never promised.



R.I.P David, Darcus Howe and all those who have been laid to rest or passed away this week.

Congratulations Natasha on the birth of Princess Tula. Can’t wait for a snuggle!



Count Your Blessings, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

I’m sure the majority of you are as upset and disgusted as I am at the events that occurred at Westminster on Wednesday. I’d prefer not to give the perpetrator too much attention, as his actions alone say enough about him to know he is a sick and twisted individual.

For those who believe everything the media tells you, they gave at least 2 examples of why you shouldn’t. The first being the fact that one channel had already aired an announcement from the anti ISIS department BEFORE there was any indication it was a terrorist act performed by them.

You can see the presenters realising their mistake and urgently trying to cut the footage but sorry mate, it was too late. Another channel then went ahead and named a hate preacher who is still in prison as the attacker. I’m presuming the ‘Muslim beard’ threw them – you know, that sure sign that you’re a terrorist.

What the fuck happened to checking your sources and reporting fact not fiction? But I guess when the agenda is to cause hype and hysteria it doesn’t really matter does it? Some will feel the media were justified in speculating as ISIS have apparently taken credit for what happened, but has it ever occurred to them that they would take the credit regardless? I doubt they’d even heard of him but it all adds to their supposed glory and the mediaagghh and tell-lie-vision scoop it up and feed it to us.

Being truthful, when I first heard about it I did say to myself please don’t let him be a Black man. I know I wasn’t alone in my thinking but I want to clarify why I thought that. It’s not a shame and embarrassment thing – I’m aware terrorists/crazy folk come in all shapes, sizes, colours and creeds – but there are way too many bigots and ignoramuses to contend with already and as expected those and more came crawling out of the woodwork spewing their poisonous rhetoric.

It’s not that I wasn’t expecting that to happen or I’m surprised by it, I’m just completely and utterly sick and tired of it. It’s the same old song they all sing whenever something like this happens; if you’re Black, brown or Muslim we’re the cause of it all and shouldn’t be here in the first place yada, yada, yada. These are the same type of people who believe they are superior because they are white and they don’t have any terrorists in their camp – they’re simply misunderstood or mentally challenged.

The amount of bullshit I’ve seen and read from small minded imbeciles beggars belief.

The icing on the cake was a picture of a young Muslim woman with a phone in hand walking past a victim with people gathered around. This picture had to have been taken minutes after events took place and I very much doubt she had a clue as to what had actually happened.

If you care to look closely enough you could see she was clearly distressed by the scene as she had a hand to her face. Any rational thinking person would come to that same conclusion but unfortunately there are a lot of highly irrational racists that circulated the picture of that poor woman describing her as heartless and insensitive, making assumptions and accusations.

You’d think she was the one who’d committed the crime, yet when you compare it to other pictures of other victims and the passers by there were no in depth discussions about their apparent lack of compassion, but none of those were wearing a hijab so…

The person who caused the carnage is the one to blame, not a beard, a hijab, being black or a Muslim. Extremists and terrorists are in a class of their own – don’t add the innocent into the mix as well. Instead of focusing on hate and division our thoughts should be with the victims who got caught up in this madness and on working together to show them we’re not about to let them win.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we don’t have anything to worry about, regardless of if you believe it’s all a set up and conspiracy it’s still a scary thought and there’s no denying that it ends with everyday, blameless people getting hurt or killed.

This Mother’s Day spare a thought for the children of Aysha Frade and all of the innocent mothers and children around the world who will have a hard time on days like today due to the madness of religion and war. If you’re fortunate enough to have your mum still around and she’s worthy of the title (there are many who aren’t) make sure you treat her right not just today but everyday – she gave you life, it’s the least you could do.


R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.

Speedy recovery to those injured on Wednesday.


Happy Mother’s Day, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

So this week has been as full of ish as last week – more so if I’m completely honest. It straight up had me frustrated the way some people operate and had me wondering when is karma going to put in a long awaited appearance.

But then, as only wise words and music can do, Mr Robert Nesta Marley hit the nail on the head with some conscious lyrics. He told me to Get Up, Stand Up and Don’t Give Up The Fight! Too many things to relate to in the song, but one particular line that stood out was, “You can fool some people sometimes but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” #TellThemAgainBob🎤

I don’t want to come across as if I’m a malicious person because I’m truly not, but I believe that you should treat others as you would want to be treated, so if you choose to conduct yourself in a devilish manner I won’t be shedding any tears if/when you get a dose of your own medicine, and I may well crack a little smile like I did today when I read that an example of Britain’s finest, Pc Joshua Savage (by name and nature), has been charged with threatening behaviour, assault, criminal damage and possession of a bladed article. This all came about when Leon Fontana was pulled over in a case of mistaken identity whilst driving through Camden.

Pc Savage switched and went flip mode resulting in him trying to cut through a smashed windscreen with a penknife, such was his rage to get Mr Fontana out of the car. It needs to be seen to be believed, and I’m just glad he had the sense to film it as if he’d tried to tell you the story without the proof you’d say he was telling porkies! Justice hasn’t been fully served, he’s yet to be sentenced and there’s no guessing at what that outcome will be (🙄) but I’ll relish in the small victory all the same.

A way to help aid karma along is to play someone at their own game and kill them at it. T.I did that magnificently when he responded to President Trump’s twitter rant about Snoop Dogg’s new video, portraying Donald as a clown in the Clown House, and Snoop shooting him with a clown gun where a BANG! banner falls in place of a bullet.

Controversial yes, most definitely, but it’s a spot on analogy in my opinion. Naturally Trump had something to say and responded with this; Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @snoopdogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!

Really Trump? I think not! Obama had more than his fair share of haters out there with effigies of him hanging from trees as a taster yet, unlike you, chose to spend his time and focus on more important issues – like running a country. KMT!

T.I hit back with this:

“@snoopdogg is a Fuckin Legend u Fucking Tangerine Tanned Muskrat scrotum skin, Lacefront Possum fur Wig wearing, Alternative fact, Atomic Dog diarrhea face ass man!!!! Leave our legends names out ya fuckin old ass puppy piss smelling ass mouth & continue to focus on dividing minorities, building barriers, alienating immigrants, & fuckin this country up like u been doin…. #UWannaBeDictator #PresidentialLevelFuckBoy.”

Now say what you mean T.I, don’t hold back!

All the above made me smile and remember that when all is said and done, no matter who you are or what position of power you may hold you’re still a human being and not one of us are without some flaw. Your integrity can be judged by the masses as it is something we all share no matter what your position may be.

Understand not everyone will enable you because of your supposed status. Some of us smell the shit and see the light and are not afraid to let you know. That’s a *SURT!



Congratulations Lydia Simmons on having a home development named in your honour. Thankh you for representing as a strong, Black female role model for Slough and the first ever Black female mayor in the U.K, bringing positive vibes for all of theses years and hopefully many more to come, We salute you!

R.I.P Chuck Berry and all those who have lost their lives this week.

*Straight Up Real Talk


Don’t Give Up The Fight, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

After Monday nights Panorama: Life in Immigration Town was aired I felt the need to write this. Considering I’m a 42 year old, Black woman of immigrant parents who was born in Slough, raised in Chalvey and whose brother stood for UKIP for the same place, I can add my thoughts to the mix!

Firstly my own personal opinion on immigration is this; It’s a great thing and I love it. It’s nice to know you don’t have to stay in your one place of birth and can soak up new experiences elsewhere, or seek refuge should your sanctuary be destroyed through no fault of your own.

I’d like to think that should things go wrong (Brexodus) and I’m forced to flee my home I’d be welcomed with a sense of understanding and sympathy for my plight and a little, (or a lot) of love and humanity from others…a girl can dream can’t she?

Fortunately I’m awake enough to know that should that situation ever arise not all will be welcoming me with open arms…Hell, not all are welcoming me with open arms here in my hometown let alone elsewhere, but that’s a part of life. Some folk ain’t ever gon’ change and are ready to dislike you on looks alone which is their prerogative, but some things can be helped to curb the distaste.

Whether you choose or have to move to another country you should respect that country’s beliefs and traditions, which is more than doable without encroaching on your own beliefs.

If you can’t, then maybe you should find somewhere else to live. If you’re not prepared to work or contribute to that country in some way and only want to bleed their resources drier than they already are, then you should do one too.

That couldn’t be said of many immigrants when I was younger as they were, and the majority now still are, some of the hardest working people out there, but let’s not get it twisted, there are A LOT blatantly taking the piss and they need to be addressed.

Those who come over and abide by the rules and work to earn their keep have a right to live a life too. You can’t expect them to not use any resources. Naturally they’ll need to be housed, they’ll get ill and their children will need to be educated but somebody’s not doing the mathematics, and you don’t have to be Katherine Johnson to work it out! So who’s to blame? For me there is only one collective responsible and that’s the government. Side eye matey all you want but don’t hate the player hate the game!

When I was growing up the most predominant ethnic minority in Slough were Asians followed by West Indians. I’m of an age where I remember when White people use to run a good few shops in Chalvey and you could get most things from a trip down the road.

By my early teens you could notice the change more, as in not many, if any, White people running shops. It used to remind me a bit of Eastenders – The Foresters Arms being The Queen Vic, the launderette, chippy, I think the only thing missing was the market!, (but we had Ali’s and Jabbles so we were ok!)

You knew your neighbours and there was a sense of community between all races. That’s not to say there was never any racial tension every now and then but that’s to be expected – we live in the real world not a soap! The Foresters was one of four pubs, there was the Premier club (Treetops), working men’s club, the play centre, parks and Koolers bar for the youths – basically there were enough things, whatever age you were, to relieve some tension.

When you remove the stress relievers and add more people you get more tension which in turn breeds more hate. I’m not saying a pint or a game of pool is the answer to all of our problems, but I know it’d help some. I’m actually surprised they’ve left a piece of greenery and haven’t started building houses on the Rec yet!

I live on the cusp of Chalvey now, but I’m there more than 5 days a week as my mum still lives there. I visit the shops on a regular basis so know exactly what that elder had to say about the Romanians and believe me it’s not about being racist, it’s about being a realist.

If it were ANY group of individuals behaving the way they do I’d have something to say about it – they just happen to be immigrants and I’m not gonna feel a way about saying it or offending people. It’s not labelling, it is what it is.

I’m not saying it’s all of them who cause the disruption but there are a lot and I can imagine how some may feel intimidated by them as they literally stand in a pack as you try to walk around or through them. It’s funny though, if you walk a little further down the road, cut through by the recycling plant and across the fields you’ll never see a scene like the one being witnessed on the daily in Chalvey. But then they’ve got a castle and we’ve got a dump.

I have no problem with immigration – I have a problem with the people who control it…or rather don’t, which I’m sure a lot can relate to. I understand peoples frustrations and fears but there are ways to make your point heard and get your views across without it including racism, hate and/or antisocial behaviour. It should go without saying that if you’re an immigrant yourself UKIP is not the party you should be standing behind, in front of or next to.

To have a family member be that guy is not the one to say the least – I really didn’t have a clue until I saw his face on a flyer and was as shocked, surprised and confused as the rest of the majority of the Black community by his actions – but only for a hot minute. I then remembered who it was I was dealing with and soon realised he has all the attributes of what it takes to be a politician so would fit right in.

He actually had the audacity to accuse ME of making him look like a sellout because I chose to put a post up at the time on Facebook addressing the fact that it was not a family affair, as some had thought, and he stood firmly on his own. I would suggest him plastering his face on the flyer and knocking on people’s doors for votes might have made people think him a sellout but I could be wrong.

Slough’s not the greatest place to live but it’s not the worst and it’s my hometown. I can’t say I’ll live here for life, but it’s where I am right now and it’s given me some great memories. It’s not beyond being a great place, it just needs some love and attention. Lastly I’ve gotta ask where Panorama got their statistics from with the average weekly wage being £558!? Where was this poll taken? Which part? Whose wage? After tax? Can I get a job please?



R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.


Home Is Where The Heart Is, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

It’s 8.27pm and I have just sat down after clearing up the kitchen, debating what this weeks topic would be about, something that I never have a problem with usually, but with life being life, time kinda slipped away from me and I realised I hadn’t given it a second thought.

A good friend of mine was stood in my front room, braiding my youngest hair and I asked her what I should write about this week. Now at the time there were two Queens and three Princesses up in the room and the elders (myself and friend), were catching jokes from the youth of today! (#Banter – they’ll understand this!😂) My friend suggested I talk about the rude ass youts out there but a much better subject was staring me right in the face.

No long thing as quite frankly I’m tired and I really need to take my contacts out as they’re slightly irritating me and I’ve got floaters moving about, but I wanted to put this good vibe out before the weekend is done completely and a fresh week greets us.

On Friday I was having a bad day with my feet which required me to use my stick. Doris had already stopped me for one day so I thought I’d get out whilst the going’s good – I hear her cousin Ewan is breezing through soon but with a little less oomph thankfully!🌪 Anyway back to my point, on my slow and steady trek into Queensmere I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of people that took the time out to hold a door and give a smile.

It’s something I do myself as standard but I’m sure we’ve all bucked up on one of the few that believe that’s part of your job description and mosey on through without acknowledging the gesture. I may have mentioned it before but I’m known to shout “YOU’RE WELCOME!”, just to clarify it didn’t open itself…ok drifting again, but seriously, it doesn’t matter how broke you are MANNERS DON’T COST A THING!…sorry, it had to be said, back to it now!

This weekend I’ve had kindness from strangers, a random chat with a fellow shopper, bumping into a few old faces (pleasant ones), catching up with a couple of the ladies yesterday whilst being tortured by 50 Shades Darker – and not in the good way. 50 Shades Drier is more like it, but it did give us something to laugh about.

That brings us to now, and my friend Nasheta having left just over an hour ago after what was suppose to be an hour visit at 3.30pm. I won’t bore you with the ins and outs, but it reminded me of how your life can be touched by the people in it and those who choose to show love, kindness and humanity – not because they’re after something, but simply because they care enough to do so.

The point is everyday people can affect your life, and every day people can affect your life, and when it’s with positive vibes you can’t help but want to pass them on. For every little and big gesture shown to me this week I am truly thankful and appreciative. It doesn’t go unnoticed and it’s put me in the right mindset for the week ahead. No Monday blues or Wednesday humpday but a Friday feeling all week long! (Here’s hoping anyway!)



R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.

Nasheta, I got you!!


Pay It Forward, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

I’m glad we’re all different and have our own views, beliefs and opinions, (I know I’ve said it before, just wanted to reiterate!). I like sharing mine with you and appreciate others wanting to do the same, especially with the way the world is today, but some people’s opinions leave me baffled as to whether they actually believe their talk or if it’s just the easier option to facing reality.

If you’re unaware all Hell broke loose in Paris over two weeks ago after a Black 22 year old youth worker, known only as Theo, was arrested by four police officers, racially abused, spat at, beaten and “allegedly” sodomised. I’m suppose to use the word “allegedly” because this is the police we’re dealing with so naturally there are many logical explanations as to how a baton can get thrust up your back passage causing you to require surgery whilst four officers are out performing their protective duties.

I won’t even try to throw out a plausible scenario because I can’t, I’ll leave it to the “professionals”, but in my opinion it is what it is – a disgusting, deplorable act of violence and discrimination by racist police. No matter how they try to spin it the math will never add up and you’ll find it impossible to convince me of anything different.

It was one woman’s response to a post regarding the above that prompted me to write about this. She believes in The Law Of Attraction and was adamant everything in life is based on that. Now, I get the basics and even agree with it; we have the ability to attract things in our life that we focus on. If it’s negativity then expect it back and if it’s love, light, peace and prosperity then that’s what you can/should expect in return also.

I understand her thinking but the same rule cannot be applied for everything – it can only go so far for some, which was a point being made to her that she seemed to completely miss, so I’m throwing it out there to see if any other thinkers like her can explain it to me as I really don’t get how it can be condoned. I’ve heard it said by a few people but yet to hear a credible answer. It usually ends in “You don’t get it.”, or “It goes deeper than that!”. I’m giving you the time to enlighten me, I beg you please!

How does The Law Of Attraction apply when the law is attracted to doing you damage? How does it work when you’re throwing out that positive energy but receiving the negative back because of something you can’t change about yourself and shouldn’t have to? What LOA is it that sends rapists, racists, paedophiles and murderers to their victims? How do the victims, especially children, attract that kind of attention? To me it seems like a cop out so I’ll be eagerly awaiting your response to set me straight!

On a lighter note my fiancé and myself took the girls to see Hidden Figures yesterday and we loved every minute of it. A brilliant example of how determination, perseverance and understanding can lead the way forward. Some would say the LOA was in play here too but what was also evident in the film is that it wasn’t until the majority woke up to what the minority could achieve given a fair chance did great things happen!

1961 or 2017 – the same rule applies!



R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.

Shine Your Light, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

I thought I’d lighten the mood a bit this week!….well I say lighten – it’s a joke to some but being a sufferer I know it’s not so funny. It’s a battle myself and many others have to live with on a daily basis. By todays headlines it’s actually being classed as a brain abnormality, which it could well be as I see nothing abnormal in the reactions it provokes. I’m talking about Misophonia.

What the hell is that you wonder, we’ll let me break it down for you. It’s people who cannot bear certain sounds, which in itself sounds ridiculous but trust me, it’s a thing! I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve wanted to throat punch someone for the ungodly and downright sickening experience of having to watch and hear them eat. Mouth open and…(OMG I can feel my heart rate intensifying and my right eye twitching just thinking about it), THE NOISES!! Like friggin’ pigs at a trough BUT THEY’RE HUMANS…supposedly!

I get some foods are noisy and you can’t avoid making a sound whilst eating them, but when you add your own sound effects on top of that you’re taking things to a whole new level. The slurping, clapping, smacking of lips alongside the moist squishy sounds incorporated with the view of the food being churned honestly makes me want to fuck you up – especially if I’m eating at the same time!! And then you get the ones who want to add to the mix and TALK to you too.✋🏾😷🤢😤😡😢

I actually know people who won’t say shit whilst putting the food on the fork but got plenty to say when their mouth is full. Why!?!? So on top of you freaking me out and pissing me off I have to avoid your missiles too!? Thanks, but sharing ain’t caring in this instance.

Obviously I can’t react in the way I would like to and repeatedly batter them or jook them in the eye with their fork so, wherever possible, I make efforts to remove myself from the offender whilst gritting my teeth, throwing them daggers and actively wishing they choke – just a little! Harsh I know but real talk all the same.

Misophonia isn’t just about food related noises, it can be any noise that triggers it in people; breathing, nails on a chalkboard, certain materials rubbing against another, even babies crying etc. Coming a close second to the eaters for me are, wait for it….balloons.

Again, I know it sounds ridiculous but I kid you not, one of the most truly disturbing times I’ve ever had is at a TGI Fridays. It put me right off my Jack Daniels shrimp I tell ya! It was like every child in there had a birthday – ok, maybe not every child but 4 at least, meaning 4 different sets of kids, and what did they do? Come out singing their ‘Happy, Happy Birthday’ ditty and make fucking balloon animals for every bastard one of them!

I was seriously traumatised. I felt physically sick and the tears were welling up. I felt hot and cold and had to put my headphones in and blast my music, cover my ears on top of that and rock gently whilst the rest of my family watched me with side eye as I told them to eat up, grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

It’s not even about them popping – it’s the sounds they make when they’re being handled – even the Almighty knows, it hits my soul and not in a good way. The struggle is real people! Believe that!

You may think you’re a bit weird sometimes but when you check it you’ve actually got more in common with most than you think. We all have our quirks and things that do our heads in or rub us up the wrong way. Some of it may seem irrational to others but we know different.

I realise I probably shouldn’t have given you that ammunition to use against me, but if any of you try it I will stab you safe in the knowledge it’s now been scientifically acknowledged as me having a brain abnormality and possibly get away with it! #JustSaying.

R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.


Hush Up, Stay Blessed and #CelebrateLife

Well no one can say that 2016 wasn’t an eventful year! Not all great events to say the least, but eventful nonetheless! I’m not going to go over the highs and lows – if you don’t know, you’ll soon get to know about some of them as a lot of the events have far reaching repercussions that will be felt well into the New Year and beyond.

The past 7 days have been a doozy for deaths, especially of celebrities. It just goes to prove as I said a few weeks ago, that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have; when your time’s up, your time’s up! Yet despite knowing we only have a limited time here that could be cut short at any moment, some people still choose to waste time – which is fine and their prerogative – but don’t attempt to waste mine.

They say everything happens for a reason and there’s a blessing in every lesson. The older I’ve become, the more I believe that it’s true. Some life experiences have the knack of waking you up to reality. Some of us acknowledge this and grow and change; some remain the same. For the growers and changers we understand that not everybody will get it and wonder why we’re not playing the game anymore. Why we don’t respond or rise to certain situations. It’s because we know there’s more to life than fuckery and no matter who they are; friend, family or foe, there’s nothing more important than doing you first.

I don’t know how much time I have left on this Earth but I do know I still have 3 and a half years before the cloud over my head is officially lifted. I try not to think about it too much and let the sun shine through, but was recently reminded that too much stress is fuel for cancer and my body is throwing out warning signs. Some of the stress cannot be avoided but others can and I have made the conscious decision to eliminate unnecessary stress causing shit from my life. Signs are everywhere trust me, we just have to be awake enough to see them and heed them.

I’m not expecting 2017 to bring miracles (as much as I may wish it!) but it will undoubtedly bring change. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life, most importantly the man who has given me the most – my beautiful (though sometimes challenging!) daughters and 100% unconditional love. I honestly can’t wait to wear my official Queen Wifey crown and live our life. It’ll be stressful no doubt, but it’s the type I can handle. This kind of stress ends with better days and beautiful memories – I can work with that!

A humongous thank you to one and all who’ve taken the time out to read my blogs. I know time is precious and I’m grateful for the minutes you give up and your support. I wish you all good health, wealth, blessings and happiness in 2017. It will get bumpy at times but remember the lows are there so we truly can appreciate the highs. Try to find a positive in every day – even if it’s just that you woke up this morning!

To 2016 I say, Bye Felicia! You’ve been tripping on all kinds of levels and I’ve received your lessons but you’ve overstayed your welcome. Thank you very much for your services but could you now, ever so politely, fuck off! #JustSaying


R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week and year. I pray you are resting in peace.

2017, BRING IT COME!!!

Happy New Year, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife