I very much doubt it’s escaped your notice that today is Black Friday. A few years ago there was no such thing over here, but naturally Grate Britain had to follow their cousins across the pond and allow us this day to grab a “bargain”. But how much of a deal are you really getting?

If you look into it, the saving you think you’re getting ain’t that great! It’s usually old stock that retailers need to get rid of and seeing as they were overpriced to start with they fool you into believing you’re getting the sale of the century. Our society is one obsessed with material things and boy does it show! Who can forget last years Asda debacle!? A surge of the great unwashed practically foaming at the mouth and literally dragging people down to get £50 off a telly they probably don’t even need. Supposedly grown ass adults fighting with children over shit. I mean, come on!!

Do you really need it that badly that you would fight a child, push a man down and trample over others to have it? It’s actually quite disturbing that objects mean more to some than another human being and common decency; disturbing but not necessarily surprising. It’s been that way since creation and is even more evident nowadays. It’s amazing how low some will go to get what they want. #RealTalk.

If I really need it and, in my case, it’s half price or less then I might be tempted to buy it, and with the joys of online shopping – well a joy until the site crashes anyway – I don’t have to mingle with the desperadoes and fear having my eyes gauged out by some nutter. 49 rolls of Andrex for £12 (thanks Lana😉) is not to be sniffed at (see what I did there?), that’s the type of deal that makes sense! Something practical that I know without a doubt will be put to good use. Do I have the space for them, no, but if I fashion them right they can double up as my Christmas tree – I’ve got skills!

Jokes aside, there are some decent bargains to be found apart from toilet tissue don’t get me wrong. How and what you choose to spend your money on is ultimately down to you, but I would suggest you think about your purchases before you leap in head first. There is a rumour about Black Friday originating from the selling of slaves the day after thanksgiving in preparation for the Winter season. True or not I would say that for people of colour Winter is here in full effect – and yes I’m talking Game Of Thrones stylee! Cersei May is getting used to her throne over here and the KKKnight King and his army of White Walkers are preparing for battle in good old AmeriKKKa. I’m just praying for the dragons to make an appearance and deal with them properly…..or could that be the role we’re suppose to play? Maybe we’re the dragons in this Song of Ice and Fire.

I have renamed today BLACK BUY DAY. With the world the way it is I’ve decided that alongside any decent bargains I might snag today I will make the conscious effort to support a brother or sisters business – sale or no sale!…although a discount is always appreciated! #JustSaying😅



Aleppo we’re still praying for you.

R.I.P to those who have lost their lives this week in Iraq and China. 

 Shop But Don’t Drop, Stay Blessed and #CelebrateLife


I’ve usually got a good idea of what I’m going to write about but the past two weeks have been an emotional one for many reasons and headspace has been a little crowded. Right in the thick of it is the family unit, and it got me thinking about the people in our lives and the impact they have on us. If they creep and lie should we ride or die?

We’re born alone and will die alone but it’s nice to have people to share that time with in between. Even if you’re not a ‘people person’ there’s usually at least one you have a connection with. We automatically become acquainted with our family because they are the first people we’re introduced to as children, but as you grow older you realise that having a blood connection doesn’t necessarily make them all your friends.

I’m a realist and I know we’re not perfect, NONE OF US! We do what we’ve got to do to survive and if you need to do your thang to get by it’s ok, but where do we draw the line of acceptance when it comes to family? There are many out there who will allow family members wrongdoings simply because they are blood, despite the fact they know what they are doing or have done has completely crossed the line and is way out of order; they’re family and that’s enough.

I get the ride or die mentality, I have my own ride or die crew, a mixture of family and friends, but after being so close to actually dying my motto has been extended to; ride or die for something worth dying for! If you’re about some twisted next level business you’re on your own “fam” – don’t expect me to have your back when you’ve already shown me how easy it is for you to stab someone in it and do them down without batting an eyelid, and I really don’t give a flying fuck what you want to call me or how you want to take it. #RealTalk.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a heartless bitch and I believe, in most cases, people deserve a second chance. But once you’ve hit your three strikes – you’re out!, and depending on the crime, one major hit will put you out too – I really don’t have the time to waste on you, it’s too precious. Actions will forever speak louder than words and I will always focus on those than the breeze some people chat.

A blast from my past and an old photo put things into perspective and stirred up so many emotions and memories I can’t even begin to tell you now but will do one day. It also reminded me that FAMILY DOESN’T MEAN BLOOD and why a word like father is just a label – it’s your actions that make the word mean something and for me, no matter what label you wear, be it father, brother, sister or friend, it will never mean more than the things you do to show me who you really are. Loyalty, love and respect work both ways and I’m not prepared to give it to those who don’t show me the same courtesy. Right now my longest ride or die chick has dementia and I’m doing my utmost to make sure she lives her twilight years as comfortably as possible. The struggle is real, but due to the loyalty, love and respect she has always given me I will be down for whatever!

This past fortnight has made me appreciate even more the ones that are there for me and mine and cemented the love I have for them. As it’s my birthday on Monday I’m dedicating this to the woman who gave me life and whose label has never faded and been backed by her actions.

Love you Mumsy. Dementia may have robbed you of some things but it can never take our memories from me.😍


R.I.P to those who have passed away this week.

Happy Earthday/Birthday To All Of My Fellow Scorpios, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

Well, well, well! It’s been a right mixed bag of emotions this week! Definitely one to sit back and reflect on how we choose to live our lives and how short that time can be.

It’s ok though. Things can happen that throw you off balance but that doesn’t mean you have to stay swaying! What’s happening in AmeriKKKa right now is one example, (yep, they’ve risen to capital KKK status in my spelling of their name!) Naturally being who they are, they have sensationally proved that anything we can do they can do better, and out-Brexited us with their eyes seemingly closed! Bravo!!

Some of you may wonder why I’m bothering to write about a *cuntry that I don’t live in, but I have family and friends who live there. I’ve enjoyed visits on many occasions before all of this recent tension, not sure it’d be quite as enjoyable now, but let’s just say I were to go and visit them and God forbid we were to get into an innocent altercation with the police – what do you think they’ll notice about me first, my British passport? Alrighty then!!

It’s not just about where we are it’s about who and what we are and that Trumps all!! And considering *Grate Britain’s “special friendship” with them we need to be watching their movements – when you lay with dogs you rise with fleas and we’re itchy enough already!

So AmeriKKKa chose to have Donald Trump as their president.👀 To be fair your options were hideous and a choice I’m glad I didn’t have to make – how do you pick the better of two devils? Why would you want to?

Since Brexodus I’ve wondered more and more about why we should be made to feel we’re letting ourselves and the cuntry down if we decide not to vote for a corrupt system that continually does nothing but let us down. Our ancestors may have fought for our right to vote and I applaud and appreciate it wholeheartedly, especially as a woman, but I won’t be emotionally blackmailed into using it just because it’s there.

Use it or lose it but what friggin use is it really? What do we really gain? Even when who we vote for wins nothing changes. It’s the same old rhetoric time and again. I’m sure politicians are responsible for climate change – all that hot air and bullshit they keep spewing out must have some effect, right?

Give me something or someone to get behind and worthy of my vote and I’ll gladly participate. Better yet find a way to change the system and make those in charge responsible and accountable for their actions or inactions. Until then I’m out of the game and after this I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not alone.

I won’t even delve into the fact that a 70 year old elitist, narcissistic, racist, bullying, misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic tangerine twat has been chosen as President-elect – it speaks volumes in itself. Hopefully loud enough to rouse those who I’ve been trying to wake out of their coma. The alarm bells are ringing my friends; the snooze button has been maxed out! TIME TO WAKE UP!!!

I’m not sure how things operate when it comes to running a cuntry and how much power Trump will actually have, but he was real clear when he spelled out his intentions from the get go, and now he’s been given the opportunity to potentially make things happen.

After all his talk of hatred and separation does he really think that people are now going to believe he stands for unity since being elected? SHIT JUST GOT REALLY REAL PEOPLE!! Even the Statue of Liberty has given up hope and looking to repatriate back to France with her torch between her legs! No need to worry though – Donald’ll grab her by her pussy and bring her home to daddy so it’s all good!

This is a huge slap in the face to say the least but in every cloud there is a silver lining. If Donald is looking back to the days of when AmeriKKKa was ‘great’ again then I suggest we do the same. Back then we had more unity and love for each other. We pulled together and did for one another and at one point had our own Black Wall Street that flourished and thrived until it was hatefully destroyed.

It was even harder for us back then yet somehow we did it. We didn’t have the stars and platforms we have now. We did it because we knew our only option was to do for ourselves. When did we lose that? When did we stop believing in ourselves and our greatness? Listen, WE GOT THIS!!!

A new day is dawning and we need to rise with it! I’m not about seeing this as the end of the world as we know it, and more the rebirth of our nation. Educate our children. Don’t hide the truth of how things use to be from them, it does us no good. When you forget it makes it easier for those times to come around again. #RealTalk.

If you’re still of the thinking that we have nothing in common with our cousins across the pond I suggest you watch BBC2 this month and catch the Black and British series. As well as being a great way to evoke childhood memories it shows the hate we faced over here too.

Our tales are not so different. Remember that as our special friends call for their wall to be built. As Donald made it clear and kept it real let me do the same:

Should it be that times unfold and we’re found to be heading backwards this bitch right here will not be in house, out in the field or at the back of the bus. I will be that uppity n***a who dares to eyeball your ass and talk back whilst driving the bus and running you down with it with my right fist held high in the air!

You had it easy last time but too many of us are awake now for that to ever happen again. I know I’d rather die fighting than suffer waiting for God to save me. I’ll save myself and s/he can owe me one! #JustSaying.

Life is short and we really don’t know what’s waiting for us. We only have to look at what happened in Croydon as a reality check on how things can take a turn for the worst. Not one of those who died expected their trip to work would be their last. Make the days count people.


R.I.P to the Croydon 7 and all those who have lost their lives this week and a speedy recovery to those injured.

*no misspelling

WAKEY WAKEY, RISE AND SHINE!!, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

Keeping it short and sweet this week. I’m not really into politics and never have been, but I appreciate the right to have our say and vote. I’ve always tried to respect that fact and use it in the hope that maybe things can only get better! What can I say, a girl can dream! Then Brexshit happened, and I woke the Hell up and caught a strong whiff of something that’s burning my nostrils and I’m sick to my stomach of!

It’s not even about which way you voted or why. I’ve heard many different reasons, good and bad on both sides and not everyone who voted out is a racist and not everyone who voted to remain is scared of change. There are many reasons as to why they’re a Brexiteer or Remoaner, and a lot of it is down to not having a bloody clue as to what it actually meant. And who could blame them? As has been proved the very people who set it up don’t have a bloody clue so why should you? And don’t even get me started on it creating racial tension – it didn’t create anything, it simply made those that had these feelings bubbling underneath the surface more comfortable to voice their opinion and show their true red, white and blue colours. Less creating and more highlighting. #RealTalk.

The problem doesn’t lie with the masses. The problem lies with the fuckwits that think it’s jokes to play with fire without getting burnt. We may have asked for a referendum but we didn’t realise it was put in play without serious thought. Forgive us, we actually thought that something as big as this would not be thrown about lightly and decisions like hard or smooth exits would already have been run through. Don’t give us an option if you know you can’t handle your shit! Why even put it on the table before a thorough investigation and complete transparency about what could happen? What kind of people gamble with a country’s growth and economy without a sturdy, rocksteady and clear plan for either outcome? Seriously, WHAT KIND OF A CUNTRY DOES THAT? #GrateBritain

I really don’t give a damn if we’re in or out I’m just over the shaking it all about. I’m beyond giving two shits and adding to the pile that’s already provided – I’M OUT! It’s Brexodus! I have staged my own personal referendum and I’ve voted out of the voting game. Article 49 has been triggered and we’ve come to the agreement that I can relinquish my right to vote until sturdy, rocksteady and clear proof is shown that morons aren’t running things…

Looks like I may be some time…


R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.

Those that do, please pray for Amerikkka – they gon’ need it.

Brex-N-Effect, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife