I haven’t bothered to watch the program on “turf wars” aired yesterday. I’ll watch it tonight and give it my full attention next week! Today I’m asking for the people we class as stars and celebrities to shine their lights a little brighter for the ones who support them and are forever hearing “I wouldn’t […]
⚠This is long and a bit sweary but worth a read and a share, especially if you’re from Slough! R.I.P’d Off covers issues that mainly effect Black people and just this week alone there are a number of them I could pick from but after hearing the fuckery that I heard a few days ago […]
I’m touching on another side effect which again ties in neatly to something in the news this week. It’s all about my crowning glory! I was born with a hairstyle similar to Mr T whilst my twin brother had a full on ‘fro! Thankfully it picked up but it wasn’t the easiest to manage. I […]
So this week I’d like to touch on another side effect I experienced that also ties in nicely with a subject that really bugs the Hell out me! Not long after starting chemo one of the more noticeable side effects was the change in my complexion. Let’s get things straight from the get go: I […]
For those of you who are unaware I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer 2 years ago. At the time I didn’t go public until I was told I was in remission last year – that’s to say ‘social media public’ – my nearest and dearest were aware, but I’m not really the type […]
Bloody hell Dawn, part three!!, I hear you cry! I’m sorry, but there’s a lot to cover. I will be changing it up over the next few weeks (unless something really big warrants an airing) BUT there will be more parts to come. Today I’d like to address my people on a level and maybe […]