Well, my last post was the day after Manchester and now we’re nearly a week after London Bridge. My sentiments remain the same. Whatever theory you believe, or whoever you want to point the finger at, does not take away from the fact that it’s everyday people like me and you who end up suffering. […]
It’s ironic that the day I choose to get back on my writing game is the morning I wake up to hear about the nightmare in Manchester. The irony is the sole reason I had to take a break is because I’d literally had my fill of people and the blatant lack of humanity. I’m […]
On Friday I was blessed with the news that I’m still in remission. As you can imagine it’s a relief to know you’ve managed to keep cancer at bay for another year. You can’t help but reflect on life at these times, especially after the reality check that having it and beating it gives you. […]
Pinch, punch, first day of the month and all that jazz. I’m moving on from the babies of last week and fast forwarding to the late teens. In October my eldest daughter will be 18 – supposedly an adult in the eyes of the law. Despite whether or not I believe she is capable of […]
What a week the world has witnessed! Waaayyyy too many topics up for discussion and unfortunately the majority of it is highly depressing and I don’t have the energy to attempt to decipher it. One story in particular gave me food for thought though, especially as it was my daughters 15th birthday on Saturday. Being […]
I’m keeping it as short and sweet as an Easter egg this week as I’ve had a lovely weekend spent with family and would like to spend today doing the same. I’ve previously touched on the subject of family and my perception of the word and my sentiment remains the same – being blood doesn’t […]