Entries by NuDawn

Simply Monkey Business

Happy New Year and well, well, welcome to 2018! I will fill you in on my absence later on in the week but I just felt the need to get this out there and address the monkey on our back. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the uproar about H&M and their decision to market their […]

Sky Is The Limit!

In my last blog I told you about me dealing with the 3 wise monkeys and things never being straightforward for me. Let me elaborate on what I mean with a prime example. For most, switching broadband providers ain’t a thang. For most! I have come to realise I’m really not most people. Grab a […]


Well hello there, it’s been a while! Apologies for the long thing – I’ve had a lot going on and had to prioritise my time which meant blogging took the back burner for a while. The upside is that there’s a whole range of bullshit that has (or hasn’t) happened in my absence giving me […]

A Class Act (Part 2)

Last weekend was a nice but busy one for me. I had 3 celebrations to attend and felt blessed to be surrounded by good people and good vibes. With all of the crazy madness going on in the world it’s nice to have something positive bringing people together, as I’ve been treading a fine line […]

A Class Act (Part 1)

There could only be one subject up for discussion this week – the atrocious and unnecessary loss of life at Grenfell Tower, which will stay with me for the rest of my days. I had one eye open when I turned on the tv just after 7am on Wednesday morning, and at first I thought […]

Yakety Yak…

Well, my last post was the day after Manchester and now we’re nearly a week after London Bridge. My sentiments remain the same. Whatever theory you believe, or whoever you want to point the finger at, does not take away from the fact that it’s everyday people like me and you who end up suffering. […]

What’s On Your Mind?

It’s ironic that the day I choose to get back on my writing game is the morning I wake up to hear about the nightmare in Manchester. The irony is the sole reason I had to take a break is because I’d literally had my fill of people and the blatant lack of humanity. I’m […]

R.I.P’d Off (Part 13)

On Friday I was blessed with the news that I’m still in remission. As you can imagine it’s a relief to know you’ve managed to keep cancer at bay for another year. You can’t help but reflect on life at these times, especially after the reality check that having it and beating it gives you. […]

Law And Disorder 

Pinch, punch, first day of the month and all that jazz. I’m moving on from the babies of last week and fast forwarding to the late teens. In October my eldest daughter will be 18 – supposedly an adult in the eyes of the law. Despite whether or not I believe she is capable of […]