Entries by NuDawn

R.I.P’d Off! (Part 17)

Lately I have purposely tried to keep myself away from certain subjects that cause my blood to boil and pressure to rise. My emotions are already naturally high and hormones raging at the best of times, so for the sake of my sanity and stress levels I have tried to stay far away from any […]

Reality Check 1, Cheque 2, Check Me!

Check 1 “Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman. Givin’ all your love to just one man…” Tammy Wynette ~ Stand By Your Man Have you ever heard a song and thought, “Yessss! THAT PART!” Well personally, I believe Tammy needn’t have gone on with the rest of the song; she’d already done killed it […]

Downtime🖤 (Part 3)

A 20/20 Vision   Hello again! I wasn’t intending on leaving it months before I wrote another blog, but the reality is I’ve kinda been in a funk. To be fair to myself, there have been a few legit reasons as to why I would be. I won’t bore you with the details of my […]

R.I.P’d Off (Part 16)

I put off writing about the current events happening in the world in regards to the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement for a reason. It was because I wanted to repost the previous R.I.P’d Off blogs to show and prove that this isn’t a new phenomenon and some of us […]

Downtime🖤 (Part 2)

“Mostly, I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day…” John Coffey ~ The Green Mile I’ve seen a few posts on social media asking what’s one thing that being in downtime (lockdown) has taught you. I responded to one […]

Downtime🖤 (Part 1)

Well!! 2020 has certainly come in all guns blazing! I’m not one for New Years resolutions, but I did have an idea as to how I’d like it to be…needless to say it looked nothing like this! From the get go there have been occurrences all around the world of biblical proportions. Not that I’m […]

Sticks And Stones (Part 1)

⚠️WARNING!!: If you’ve read my blogs before you’ll be aware I like the odd smattering of expletives here and there. I could apologise but I won’t. It’s MY real talk and how I express myself, obviously not all the time – there is a time and a place. HERE IS MY TIME AND MY PLACE! […]

Thankh You Mama (Part 2)

“What’s worse, lookin’ jealous or crazy? Jealous or crazy? Or like, being walked all over lately, walked all over lately. I’d rather be crazy…” Beyoncé ~ Hold Up Two weeks ago my mum unexpectedly passed away. As you can imagine it hasn’t been an easy time. Despite her being in her twilight years and having […]

Detox Decade!

Well! What a shitty end to the year and decade! And what a decade it’s been! I was hoping I’d have me a Bobby Ewing* moment and wake up in the shower to realise it was all a dream! At the start I thought I’d realised the importance of how precious time was by leaving […]

Blessings And Lessons

I know a lot of you are wondering where Tales Of The Dales has disappeared to. Don’t worry, I haven’t been silenced and I’m very much alive! There’s only one way I’ll be stopped and that’s via a court order, so until that happens – keep watching this space. They will return! The fact of […]