Entries by NuDawn

Sticks And Stones (Part 1)

⚠️WARNING!!: If you’ve read my blogs before you’ll be aware I like the odd smattering of expletives here and there. I could apologise but I won’t. It’s MY real talk and how I express myself, obviously not all the time – there is a time and a place. HERE IS MY TIME AND MY PLACE! […]

Happy Farther’s Day

Last week we celebrated Father’s Day and after reading A LOT of the posts on social media I felt the need to throw my tuppence in! I’ve experienced both sides of the coin having never met my dad until I was sixteen, then not hearing from him again until my early thirties, and on the […]

Forgive Them Father

I didn’t have to think twice about this week’s topic. It’s something that no matter who you are, no matter what our many differences, you have dealt with it – because we are all a part of it – Humankind. You cannot escape hearing one awful situation after the next. Innocent lives taken away because […]

The Only Kind Of Hit I’ll Condone!

Well, Well, Well…..what a week! My emotions have been as bipolar as the weather – NO LIE!! I’ve been saddened by the passing of a friends loved ones, and of Muhammad Ali – a great example of a true legend, especially within the Black community, and a lover of real talk too. May he rest […]

Forget You

Last week was all about the love and this week is more of the same, but today I’m focusing on the love of my people. Not all of my posts will be this long or deep (pinky swear), but I’d like to explain and hopefully get you to comprehend why I get so frustrated when […]

First Timer!

After years of being told I should do it, I have finally decided to write my own blog! I’m not sure how often it’ll be – probably on a weekly basis, and there will be no rhyme or reason to what I write. It’ll be random but relevant to something I’ve either experienced myself or […]