R.I.P’d Off! (Part 17)
Lately I have purposely tried to keep myself away from certain subjects that cause my blood to boil and pressure to rise. My emotions are already naturally high and hormones raging at the best of times, so for the sake of my sanity and stress levels I have tried to stay far away from any triggers. Tried…
If you live in England you would more than likely have had to be living under a rock to not hear some kind of talk about the Euros over the past month. Now, I don’t have anything against football per se, but what I seriously struggle with is the fuckeries that come with it. It’s not like it’s anything new, but you know when you’ve had more than you can bear to stomach? Well I’ve fully reached my limit.
I admit to having a little chuckle and head shake to myself when I’d heard folk chatting before last nights result on how unified the Euros were making Grate Britain. I distinctly remember thinking yeh, they’ll be unified right up until the time one of them puts a foot wrong; then we’ll see what unity means – and sure enough, here “we” are!
It may well be called the beautiful game, but with beauty comes the beast, and unfortunately it’s in the shape of the many supporters that chose to conduct themselves in that abhorrently racist, sickening, disgusting and utterly disrespectful manner.
People had asked me if I’d be watching and I told them straight, No. I really wasn’t interested and avoided all matches until last night, which I would have avoided too, but the Mr came up and put it on just in time for me to see the last remaining minutes of the main match and how events unfolded afterwards.
One thing HisStory has shown us, and that they keep making abundantly clear, is that as long as you’re of benefit to them then it’s all good. You’ll be tolerated and even applauded as one of “us”. But once you’ve served your purpose (Windrush), or make a mistake (miss a penalty), then they’ll let you know exactly where you stand. Gone is the jubilation for the team bringing them closer to victory than they have ever been in decades, to be replaced by hate, racist abuse and the same old rhetoric of fucking off back to where they came from.
I guarantee you that any Black person who watched the match, saw it go to penalties and then saw who Gareth Southgate chose to step up to the plate knew exactly how shit would go down should any of the Black players miss. Not one bit of it is surprising. The “fans” had already started their shenanigans from before they’d even entered the stadium. Mob, yob and knob mentality at the forefront and from the get go. Barging their way in and making themselves known as is true to their English form.
It may well be called the beautiful game, but with beauty comes the beast, and unfortunately it’s in the shape of the many supporters that chose to conduct themselves in that abhorrently racist, sickening, disgusting and utterly disrespectful manner. And I beg you please, miss me with the bullshit of it’s only a small minority that are the troublemakers. The ‘small minority’ really isn’t that small in the grand scheme of things. Their numbers are constantly rising, and due to the likes of the government and other establishments having a lackadaisical approach to racism, they feel no way in telling us how they truly feel.
Those youngsters played their heart out for a cuntry that would stab them in it in return. I highly applaud and congratulate them for their efforts and contribution to the game – which no matter how diehard a fan you are, you need to remember – IT’S JUST A GAME!! You win, lose or draw and life goes on – it’s really not that deep, and if it is that deep to you, you really need to get a life.
I know for sure if my son or daughter were a footballer I’d be discouraging them to play for England; regardless of whether they were born here or not. Sorry, not sorry. They don’t deserve their talent, most definitely not until real moves are made to deal with the issues they have when it comes to kicking out racism and the racist fans. I would actually love to see just how well they’d fair if it were down to the ‘true bloods’ alone and the n****s that let the team down went to play for the countries to which, as so many put it, they belong.
England may well have 3 lions on their chest, but they need to remember where lions originate from!
Maximum love and respect to Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka. You did ‘US’ all proud. #OriginalLionKings
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives recently.

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