“Blessed to have another moment

Some more time spent

Some more minds to get into

Blessed to have another daydream

Another maybe


Blessed 2 Have ~ Floetry

I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 49th Earthday a few weeks back, and thankhs to The Mr, it was one of the most beautifully peaceful days I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. 

It was spent exploring the Atlas Mountains in Marrakech, with glorious sunshine and beautiful people. In our efforts to find a munch we almost drove past a modest sign outside of an ordinary looking wooden gate, but our companion thought the name rang a bell so we drove up to it to be greeted by a friendly face enquiring what it was we needed. 

We waited at the gate whilst he called someone who could help us, and a few minutes later we were greeted by another friendly face who asked if we had a reservation. At this point I still wasn’t exactly sure what this place was but we said that we didn’t and he told us that it was fine and they’d accommodate us, then asked us to pull into a parking space outside the front of the building.

I assumed it was a restaurant until we stepped out of the car and made our way into the foyer and our greeter informed us of what they actually offer, which was one of the most stunning olive garden retreats I’ve ever seen🤩…ok, the only stunning olive garden retreat I’ve ever seen – but it was honestly breathtaking.*

As I soaked in my surroundings I felt truly blessed to be. I had three of the best things in life with me – breath, love and sunshine. I’m a woman of little wants and needs and that there was me to a tee! I could have sat there a lot longer than we did and I will most definitely be going back, higher power willing.🙏🏾

When I got home, as I find myself doing a lot lately, I reflected on the time I’d had and the wonderful way the world works with hidden surprises and the power of connection. All it takes is patience and observation. I’ve had time to master both recently and a few things keep presenting themselves that confirms what my soul keeps on telling me.

Yes, I’m probably repeating myself when I say I have a love hate relationship with social media, but I do. I love the ability to share with loved ones far and wide and the wealth of knowledge and information it can provide, but, and hear me out, I don’t like people; not ALL people, but ‘People’ people.

‘People’ is an old Caribbean term for a person or group who are an annoyance on varying levels in some way and there’s waaay too many out there for me to contend with and maintain my peace. I’ve been urged to do more in regards of digital marketing and pushing my blogs and impending podcasts and honestly, it just depresses me.😩😅 

I have tried, albeit not too hard, but I don’t have a desire to sell myself and my soul in the process. I know the work has to be done but I’m determined to find a way that sits well with me. I’m at capacity with the amount of time I spend online as it is. Fuck a reel! Respectfully.🙏🏾

Money has to be made and bills paid, but the things we put ourselves and others through to get it can be just plain wild!

Without getting into it too deeply, a while ago I reached out to a couple of well known names to literally just discuss a few projects I was thinking of and to get a little advice. They weren’t complete strangers to me, and I got a response back to say they’d be in touch soon. Now, it’s possible that we have different definitions of the word soon, but I done been through 3 seasons waiting and the fresh buds preparing themselves to come through will not be waiting to be nourished by them!🌝🍂❄️🌱

I’ve seen what drives and motivates these people and, even for the ones who like to think they are keeping it real, it’s all about the money, honey! If it ain’t making you some you’re making sure it can’t block that flow, joe! And good for you! If that’s what makes you happy I’m happy for you. We’re all human and have our desires and requirements, but because these people have made a name for themselves we tend to forget that.

It’s usually the little people that get them to the heights they dream of, but once they’re there you realise how little to them you indeed are. But it’s all good. It’s been an old tale and will continue on. Ain’t no bigger game than the quest for fortune and fame. And these players be playing! 

I’d prefer not to, and if it means I miss out on a certain type of revenue I’m good with that. I’ve never been driven by money. I always knew I wanted to write and share my life and thoughts in the hope it would resonate with some and possibly help others know that we’re all going through some type of shit! 

And boy did I have a heap to offload! It’s been a much needed outlet. If it’s meant to make me money I have faith that it will, but it’s already performed it’s task for me so that’ll be a bonus.✨

I’ve always appreciated my blessings but now I see each and every one clearly. Pay attention. Immense beauty and worth can lie behind the ordinary. I’ve had blessed days and the best days with ordinary people with an extraordinary light – the type money can’t buy. Not all that glitters is gold. Look for the glimmers.💫

R.I.P Benjamin Zephaniah, an all round creative genius and King of keeping it real. You will be missed but your spirit and legacy shall live on.

R.I.P Andre Braugher, another talented brother gaining his wings with a legacy in tact. Condolences to both families and rest easy Kings.🙏🏾

R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.

Still standing in patience and observation so y’all are gonna have to wait with me! #PodcastsPending😂

*Olinto I’ll be seeing you soon; and there won’t be 3 seasons in between!😍😂

Patience And Observation, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

“Whatever it is that you came to teach me

I am here to learn it ‘cause

I believe that we are written in the stars

I don’t know what the future holds

But I’m living in the moment

And I’m thankhful for the man that you are, you are, you are, you are

You are everything I ask for in my prayers

So I know my angels brought you to my life

Your energy is healing to my soul

You are a beautiful surprise…”

Beautiful Surprise ~ India Arie

For a number of reasons 2023 will go down in NuDawn history as my year of enlightenment. No one is perfect and without fault, but in general I’ve always been quite chilled and mostly drama free – with the exception of family.

No one has the power to get to you more than those you love, and my circumstances made me take a step back and assess my bloodline and the different paths I’ve walked down with some of my supposed nearest and dearest.

I’m going to save the finer details for the podcasts*, but it bought me to the realisation that BS has played a big part – Bull Shit and Black Sheep! For me the two go hand in hand. I became the black sheep after smelling and calling out the bull shit. I’m an emotional being and I’d be lying if I said this didn’t affect me in some way, as is evident if you’ve read my earlier blogs!😅

This year I finally managed to let go of the emotional hold of the BS and being the black sheep with proof that the world really does work in mysterious ways. If I had listened and gone with the majority I would never have found myself in the position I find myself in now and it’s a wonderful place to be. I class it as my reward for being open. Open hearted and open minded and unbound from the toxic ties that can come encased in family.

As fate would have it my experiences have also strengthened my ability to pick up on peoples energies and sniff out the bs quicker. I had an encounter recently where I felt the person’s energy was off but they tried to convince me there wasn’t an issue. I knew it was bs and eventually got to the crux of it, but I really don’t understand why they couldn’t just be real and say how they feel.

Love can show up in many different ways but once you know the fundamentals of it you’ll be able to assess the bs and separate the wheat from the chaff. Please don’t be afraid to be the black sheep and keep your integrity intact. Blood alone is not family. It can be comprised of whoever shows you genuine love. 

I just happened to find another long lost black sheep from the same herd and we’ve managed to change the narrative and turned the bs into Blessed Souls and Beautiful Surprises.

Do you, stay true and the real ones will find you and shine through.💫

R.I.P Leon Christian-Samuel and all those who have lost their lives this week.

Happiest of Earthday/Birthdays to my beautiful surprise of a nephew Josh Parker. I honestly can’t thankh you enough for the gifts you’ve given me and I wish you a truly blessed day and the best of everything to come. Nuff love always.🖤💚

I promise they are coming! Trust me I’ve had to be as patient as y’all but they’ll be worth the wait.😉😅

Winter really be wintering out there! Jheeeze!🥶 Wrap up warm and stay safe.

Assess The BS, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife