Last weekend was a nice but busy one for me. I had 3 celebrations to attend and felt blessed to be surrounded by good people and good vibes. With all of the crazy madness going on in the world it’s nice to have something positive bringing people together, as I’ve been treading a fine line with my association with humanity – hot stepping in and out of love and hate on a, what seems like, daily basis. Ok, maybe hate is too strong a word, but there’s definitely dislike, disgust and disdain to say the least.

Despite my great weekend my thoughts were never far away from the events that took place at Grenfell Tower two weeks ago. I’m astounded at the blatant lack of compassion, understanding and effort on behalf of the government, authorities and media. I checked Sky news online yesterday and a story was halfway down the page on the DEATH TOLL RISING TO 80, and Jeremy Corbyn blaming the events at Grenfell on austerity whilst Theresa May hit back with “You lot started it!”

To be fair she then admitted it had been overlooked for decades, took place under both government colours and they are both responsible, so my main question of many is WHAT THE FUCK ARE Y’ALL DOING ABOUT IT!? Talk is cheap and life is precious, all life! Not just those who can afford to pay their council tax in full.

Standing in parliament discussing who’s to blame isn’t helping the people that need it the most. Why are the victims still relying on the community for help when the above should be bending over backwards to help them? For years the residents warned those in charge that this could happen and were ignored. When one dared to write a blog about it they were quick to threaten her with legal action, yet every word she wrote has proved her right. Not so quick to respond now are they?

Real news is out there if you care to look for it and I’ve seen and heard some of the real talk from the survivors living the nightmare of losing, at the very least, every possession they owned and friends, family and neighbours too. They have been well and truly shafted and it stinks to high heaven.

Respect to the likes of James O’Brien, Eddie Nestor and Victoria Derbyshire, the latter who I watched interview residents and victims alongside the housing minister Alok Sharma. This man sat there and told residents that he would be writing to them all to explain what their plan of action will be, but as the victims pointed out, where are you sending these letters to? Do they even know how many people need help and where they are, considering that half of them don’t even know where they will be from day to day?

Where’s the organisation? Where is the compassion? WHERE ARE YOU? Talk and letters don’t mean shit. These people need help and support that they should not still have to be asking for a fortnight on. These are the types of stories the mainstream media need to be airing. It’s amazing how they can focus on and count up the amount of buildings now deemed unsafe but nobody is questioning the number of the death toll or how many survivors are still in desperate need.

I couldn’t help a snort of derision after seeing the death toll has risen by one. One!! Who are they trying to kid? And don’t give me that “it’s difficult to identify the bodies” bullshit. I’m not doubting that for an instant or demanding every body be formally identified straight away, but come on. I understand they will never know exactly how many people were in the building but I’m sure they’re aware of more than 80 from residents accounts and the missing alone. And now we’re being told it could take at least 6 months for a figure to be revealed.

In the meantime their loved ones have to look at the shrine their homes became. Can you even imagine how tortuous that is on top of everything else? Children and adults alike witnessed sights no one should ever see, where are the counsellors and therapists? What help are they receiving for their mental stability? I’m pretty sure a lot will be bypassed and eventually end up slipping through the cracks and forgotten about until they crack and supply us with something deemed newsworthy.

Since starting to write this it has emerged that Sir Martin Moore-Bick has been appointed as the chairman of the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry. A man who thought nothing of relocating a single mother 50 miles away from where she lives and her kids go to school. Great! I’m patiently awaiting for when they’ll announce there will be an inquest too. God knows how long all that is going to take – I’ll hazard a guess at about 28 years. That seems the average waiting time for justice of mass failings in our Grate Britain.

I’ve still got a lot more questions and plenty more to say about this, like addressing those who felt the need to be up in arms and all up in their feelings because the lesser class are within breathing distance, but I’ll allow it for now! I will reiterate though that A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS AND NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. You’re lucky folk have managed to stay calm for so long but it won’t last forever.




Justice For Grenfell!

R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.


Less Talk – More Action, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

There could only be one subject up for discussion this week – the atrocious and unnecessary loss of life at Grenfell Tower, which will stay with me for the rest of my days.

I had one eye open when I turned on the tv just after 7am on Wednesday morning, and at first I thought it was one of the Twin Towers (I was still half asleep, forgive me) then I caught the word LIVE in the top left hand corner, opened the other eye, turned the volume up and tried to take in what was happening…

I’m here 4 days later still trying to take it in. Like anyone else out there with a heart mine broke observing the carnage. I can’t even bring myself to discuss the full horror of it or of being sat watching knowing there were men, women, children, whole generations dying in front of my eyes. I’m honestly having difficulty putting my feelings into words and handling my emotions and I’m just a bystander, so can’t even imagine what it’s like for those directly affected.

I don’t live in a high rise but I do live on the top floor of a two storey block of flats and have thought about my escape route should, heaven forbid, we become trapped in here. Thankfully we’re low enough to jump without hopefully causing major damage or by knotting a few sheets together but you can’t help but imagine yourself in the position of the residents of Grenfell Tower and wonder what if it were me?

Massive respect goes out to the firefighters who worked tirelessly to try to help the victims. Again I can only imagine the sights they had to witness and they’re still having to face the daunting task of recovering the bodies. I pray they and everyone affected get the counselling they are so going to need. If it was love alone that could soothe a soul they would be well and truly covered. Witnessing how communities all over the country came together within hours to offer whatever help they could with thousands of donations was truly heartwarming. With all of the tension of late it was amazing to see humanity at its best at last. Sometimes it takes shit happening on your own doorstep for people to realise how precious life is…some people that is.

As more information came to light the more frustrated and angry I began to feel. It’s little wonder the people are raging, they have every right to be! WHERE WERE THE GOVERNMENT?

The residents warned the authorities that this could happen ages ago and have literally lost everything; family, friends, neighbours, their home and all of their possessions in the most horrendous of ways, knowing that their concerns were brushed off like lint on a designer suit, because that’s what they were; shit to be brushed off and covered over as an eyesore in one of, if not the most affluent parts of London.

Well now you have left them with nothing so they literally have nothing to lose when they come at you with all guns blazing. All you’ve left them with is hurt and anger and again WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU? ‘Bout you wanna turn up a day late and a dollar short with your police protection to talk to the firefighters. WHAT ABOUT THE VICTIMS? Theresa Mayhem you and Kensington and Chelsea Council are an absolute fucking disgrace and highly disrespectful but you’d better believe that the blood you and all those who play a part in this have on your hands won’t be washed away so quickly. You want to put your hands up now and admit your response was not good enough but too little too late. The people have already seen and felt what they mean to you!

I’m not sure of the exact figure but between £8-£10m was spent on refurbishing the block yet basic safety requirements were not met. What the frig was the money spent on? Why were no sprinklers installed? What happened to the fire alarms and extinguishers? Why only one flight of stairs for a 24 storey building housing hundreds of people? Who gave the go ahead to wrap the building in substandard cladding so the well to do would have a nicer view? Let’s not get it twisted – this is some fuckery of the highest level. Boil it down to what it is – a disregard of the lower class plain and simple. Issues like the above would never arise had a different class of people been living in that property without a shadow of a doubt.

I only hope the survivors get sorted and settled as soon as possible within the area they called home and the many relatives and friends awaiting confirmation on news of their loved ones are informed soon. Hear me when I say we feel for you all and will be shouting with you and for you too. The fire in people’s hearts is burning brighter than the one that took everything from you and long may it continue.




R.I.P to all those who lost their lives at Grenfell tower and throughout the week. Condolences to all of the families affected.

Much love to the survivors. May you receive all the love and help you need and more.

Happy Father’s Day to all the real dads doing the job right. Spare a thought for those unable to enjoy today.

Think Of Your Fellow Man, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife

Well, my last post was the day after Manchester and now we’re nearly a week after London Bridge. My sentiments remain the same. Whatever theory you believe, or whoever you want to point the finger at, does not take away from the fact that it’s everyday people like me and you who end up suffering.

I know it can’t be easy for authorities to follow every suspect out there but there’s one thing I’d like someone to explain to me; why did nobody think to keep a closer eye on The Jihadis Next Door? You couldn’t get a bigger fucking whiff of suspicion if you tried. So it’s ok to use them for ratings and send them on their way knowing exactly what they’re all about? It’s one of many cock ups by the government that costs people’s lives and yet again my heart goes out to all innocents caught up in the madness.

Moving on, I’ve been wondering why it is that some people like to find their way all up in your business? It’s one thing if it’s been put out there by yourself; you can hardly complain if you’re vocal or post a status about something and people ask what’s going on. As far as I’m concerned if you’re putting it on social media it’s obviously not something you want to keep to yourself. I understand that sometimes you can’t go into full detail but feel so frustrated or upset over a situation you just want to vent – been there, done that!, but unlike some I won’t leave you in suspense or tell you to inbox me (attention seeking much!?), I’ll tell you straight I can’t divulge anymore just yet but you’ll know when the time’s right!

If I offer up information and people enquire about it that’s not being nosey…well, to an extent. No, I don’t have to tell all if I don’t want to, but if I’ve already kinda addressed a subject publicly I’d rather people ask than assume or presume and I will set the record straight either way. Despite not giving a rats arse what others think of me and having the ability to laugh it off the majority of the time, what sometimes irks me is when folk take it upon themselves to tell me their opinion of my life. If I’ve asked for it, crack on. I may not agree with everything you have to say but I’ll hear you out. If curiosity is really burning you, ask. I’d prefer it to assumption and innuendo. You will either be told the truth or to fuck off depending on the question, can’t say fairer than that! If, however, I haven’t asked or you don’t know me from Adam, could you please just hush your mouth. Respectfully.

An example of this happened recently. After an enjoyable meal with my hentourage we headed across the road to the Broadway Theatre to be entertained by a selection of fabulously talented women spreading that Black Girl Magic! At the end of the evening the host addressed myself congratulating me on my upcoming marriage and for being together for 25 years. Unbeknown to us, and as unlikely as it may seem, there just so happened to be another Dawn having her hen do that night who had been with her partner for 25 years too! Seriously, you couldn’t make it up! I’m not sure which one of us he was congratulating but we both shared the love. As we were preparing to leave Dawn2 and her crew paused on their way out to congratulate us and informed us of the coincidence. Niceties were exchanged and then one of her friends taps me on the arm as she passes by and says, “Yes darling, about bloody time too! 25 years is too long. It should have been done time ago!”

Oh is it?…says who?

I gave her a smile and a nod as my vibe was nice and I couldn’t be arsed to correct her. It’s possible that is her Dawn’s story and she thought because I had the rest in common with her that everything was the same – it’s really not. It’s not ‘about time’, it’s the ‘right time’ – there’s a difference. We have love and trust and can fill in the relationship conformity blanks as and when, there’s no rush because society or religion says so. It hasn’t always been easy, we’ve been through a lot over the years but we’re still standing. You need a solid foundation before you build anything, relationships included, and ours is set. We do what works for us and have nothing to prove to anybody but ourselves and our daughters, and once we’re happy, job done! The higher power can judge us, the rest of you can do one.

It’s funny how some things can stick in your mind. I can distinctly remember two people back in the day, who probably don’t even recall saying anything, taking it upon themselves to tell me that, a) He’s not right for you, you could do better, and b) You don’t know ’bout relationships. You’re just a yout’! Well 25 years later that “yout” is grown and STILL with the same man knowing nothing about relationships.

I’ll save your blushes and not name and shame and say nothing more than maybe y’all should have practiced what you preached!

Life has taught me to never presume or assume anything of anyone, it’s full of surprises and people even more so. I’ve gone way past thinking ‘they would never’, full throttle to ‘you never bloody know!’ – because you never do! If you really are interested, ask, it’s that simple.

I try my best not to interfere in other peoples business and/or relationships but if we’re close and I see something that causes concern I’m not afraid to talk up, which sounds like a contradiction of the above but it’s said under the right circumstances. If I can see someone’s not appreciating your worth or something’s not right, I have been, and will continue to be, that friend that tells it straight – not in a horrible way, but with love and straight up real talk! That’s what REAL friends do – be it a wonky weave or a wasteman!




R.I.P to the London Bridge 8 and all of those who have lost their lives this week.

Giving credit where it’s due to Diane Abbott. I’ll put my hands up and say I’ve never been a big fan or paid much attention to her purely because I’m not big on politics, but after reading up on her history I salute you! You may have made a few gaffs recently but put them in comparison to what you’ve achieved and it ain’t a thang! Rest up Queen, you’ve earned it!

Think Before You Speak, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife