I’m sure the majority of you are as upset and disgusted as I am at the events that occurred at Westminster on Wednesday. I’d prefer not to give the perpetrator too much attention, as his actions alone say enough about him to know he is a sick and twisted individual.
For those who believe everything the media tells you, they gave at least 2 examples of why you shouldn’t. The first being the fact that one channel had already aired an announcement from the anti ISIS department BEFORE there was any indication it was a terrorist act performed by them.
You can see the presenters realising their mistake and urgently trying to cut the footage but sorry mate, it was too late. Another channel then went ahead and named a hate preacher who is still in prison as the attacker. I’m presuming the ‘Muslim beard’ threw them – you know, that sure sign that you’re a terrorist.
What the fuck happened to checking your sources and reporting fact not fiction? But I guess when the agenda is to cause hype and hysteria it doesn’t really matter does it? Some will feel the media were justified in speculating as ISIS have apparently taken credit for what happened, but has it ever occurred to them that they would take the credit regardless? I doubt they’d even heard of him but it all adds to their supposed glory and the mediaagghh and tell-lie-vision scoop it up and feed it to us.
Being truthful, when I first heard about it I did say to myself please don’t let him be a Black man. I know I wasn’t alone in my thinking but I want to clarify why I thought that. It’s not a shame and embarrassment thing – I’m aware terrorists/crazy folk come in all shapes, sizes, colours and creeds – but there are way too many bigots and ignoramuses to contend with already and as expected those and more came crawling out of the woodwork spewing their poisonous rhetoric.
It’s not that I wasn’t expecting that to happen or I’m surprised by it, I’m just completely and utterly sick and tired of it. It’s the same old song they all sing whenever something like this happens; if you’re Black, brown or Muslim we’re the cause of it all and shouldn’t be here in the first place yada, yada, yada. These are the same type of people who believe they are superior because they are white and they don’t have any terrorists in their camp – they’re simply misunderstood or mentally challenged.
The amount of bullshit I’ve seen and read from small minded imbeciles beggars belief.
The icing on the cake was a picture of a young Muslim woman with a phone in hand walking past a victim with people gathered around. This picture had to have been taken minutes after events took place and I very much doubt she had a clue as to what had actually happened.
If you care to look closely enough you could see she was clearly distressed by the scene as she had a hand to her face. Any rational thinking person would come to that same conclusion but unfortunately there are a lot of highly irrational racists that circulated the picture of that poor woman describing her as heartless and insensitive, making assumptions and accusations.
You’d think she was the one who’d committed the crime, yet when you compare it to other pictures of other victims and the passers by there were no in depth discussions about their apparent lack of compassion, but none of those were wearing a hijab so…
The person who caused the carnage is the one to blame, not a beard, a hijab, being black or a Muslim. Extremists and terrorists are in a class of their own – don’t add the innocent into the mix as well. Instead of focusing on hate and division our thoughts should be with the victims who got caught up in this madness and on working together to show them we’re not about to let them win.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we don’t have anything to worry about, regardless of if you believe it’s all a set up and conspiracy it’s still a scary thought and there’s no denying that it ends with everyday, blameless people getting hurt or killed.
This Mother’s Day spare a thought for the children of Aysha Frade and all of the innocent mothers and children around the world who will have a hard time on days like today due to the madness of religion and war. If you’re fortunate enough to have your mum still around and she’s worthy of the title (there are many who aren’t) make sure you treat her right not just today but everyday – she gave you life, it’s the least you could do.
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.
Speedy recovery to those injured on Wednesday.
Happy Mother’s Day, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife