Love Reign Down On Me
“I release all disappointment
From my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional bodies
‘Cause I know that spirit guides me
And love lives inside me
That’s why today I take life as it comes.”
Healing ~ India Arie
I’m happy to report that this week has been more peaceful than the last!😅
It did get me thinking though on the different types of people we’re tested by in life. It can be so easy for others negative energy to seep in and do damage, either by clouding yours or encouraging you to match what’s being sent your way.
I’ve been told in the past that I’m too nice, and when you’re so inclined it leads people to believe that they can take advantage and that you’re weak and gullible. I beg to differ. It takes real strength to stay on and maintain your path of peace. As pertaining to most things in life it’s invariably easier to go low than stay high, and there has to be that balance of light and dark to keep us in check.
It isn’t that people like me are too nice, weak or gullible – we’re not the problem. We are the light and I refuse to change who I am and follow suit. I will continue to give and show love. Since finding the art of forgiveness I’m more equipped to handle the problematic ones that slip through the net and fuck with my energy and disturb my peace, and even then it’s left with love, but from a distance!
In regards to last weeks drama I mentioned that this was a repeat case of BFD – Bullshit Fuckery & Drama. I’d been down that road with them once before and thought that we’d turned a corner only to buck up on a dead end.
It’s all good though, we all make wrong turns. You can do a u-turn and keep it moving. The mistake would be to keep going down that road and expecting anything different until you’ve been notified of things opening up.
Being your loving unapologetic self surrounded by likeminded folk makes for good times, great vibes and magical memories which is what I’ve had this week and long may love reign!
R.I.P to all those who have lost their lives this week.
Thankh you to the Queens of the NLC for lifting ya girl’s spirits with Wray, his nephew and crack cake!😂
Welcome home Hubby and thankh you for date night!😍 Jill Scott absolutely bloody smashed it! She’s such a beautifully talented being and her energy is phenomenal. I loved every minute.🖤💚

Let Love Reign, Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
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