It’s A NuDawn!
The Queenage Years
“I am blessed
I am blessed
Every day of my life
I am blessed
When I wake up in the morning
And I lay my head to rest
Every day of my life I am blessed.”
I Am Blessed ~ Mr Vegas
Apologies, I was supposed to check in way sooner and say so much in between, but it’s been them ones where you blink and suddenly the days have turned to weeks, and before you know it you’re being wished a Happy New Year!*😅
Believe me, I’m not complaining though! The time has not been spent idly! I made a decision back in June to go with my gut intuition and leave my job to do something new. If you follow me on socials you’ll know that it hasn’t been easy; but I’m a diehard believer in where there’s life there’s hope!
I’ve been working on raising the levels that drive me. I know it might not look much now, but if I continue to focus and put in the work one step at a time, NuDawn’s D’lights will be tickling fancies all over the place! But that’s just one aspect, and if I’m completely honest it’s the one of the least importance to me in regard to what drives me.

I say that about the financial side. I love what I do, but I’m not a fan of dealing with the money side and the different ways they try to take what you’ve earned, or how it changes people’s perspective and attitude. Again, a mountain to be climbed with baby steps, time, focus and a lot of breath work!

I have no doubt that in time, and under the right circumstances my little seedling will flourish. Just like life, I understand that for most things there are varying degrees to it – different levels of obtainability.
Well, one is happy to report that my other levels have been raised sufficiently enough to counteract the financial negativity, cementing that what’s for me will never miss me.
Without attempting to sound totally woo-woo and repetitive, I’m still struggling to put into words the journey that has brought me to this point in my life, but as I sit here skinning teet’ at a beat and feeling the tune whilst I type, I know that I’ll be forever grateful for accepting the key to setting my soul free to be.💫
I feel like I’ve been fine tuned, and 2024 was the reset button. Bring forth the Queenage years! I’m ready to pin my crown firmly in place and grow with the flow! Now, that’s not to say I’m now a paragon of sweetness and light – almost, but not quite! I’m human and have me my moments, as I’m sure my family would love to attest to; but they’d be lying if they said they didn’t notice a shift for the better in me also.
Giving mahoosive love and thankhs to all who showed me love, celebrated and showered me with gifts for my 50th Earthday!😍
It was a last minute affair with long lasting memories. Apologies to all who I forgot to invite! Please know it wasn’t intentional, more menopausal! Special mention to my surprise guest from foreign, Janeypie, and my once in a lifetime makeover courtesy of my beautiful niece Sinead.**
And last, but never, ever least, my husband Chris, and daughters Isis and Sadé.

Y’all know I’m more than happy to spill the majority of my beans to you, but not everything will be spoken on. Certain things I won’t discuss or divulge for the sake of honouring privacy, love and respect of my family; but I can say this much, like most others out there, we have our ups and downs, and inevitably we won’t always see eye to eye.
A few of my prayers were answered, and I hope the flow continues. I want you all to know that I’m beyond happy with the way the year ended for us!
I’ve had a lot of great times and connected with a lot of wonderful people. One of the most beautifullest things in the world is the ability to find your tribe, connect and vibe! 2024 showed me next levels, new heights and, as if I don’t already feel enough, the ability to feel more intensely. It can be a blessing and a curse, but that’s where doing the work comes into play.
Roll on 2025! I’m open and ready to receive whatever you’ve got to give. I’m comfortable with a little because I know how far it can take you. For now, I’m still in semi hibernation mode, but it’s in preparation for things to spring forth!
A NuDawn is rising, and you can either bask in the light or run for shade, but the only way is up – no matter how many grey clouds may appear along the way.
I am sincerely thankhful for the life that I’ve had and continue to live and celebrate it accordingly, and know that I am blessed; every day of my imperfect, topsy-turvy, bittersweet, black sheep, ever loving life – I am blessed!💫

R.I.P Simon Payne. A beautifully talented soul who blessed us with his presence, albeit too briefly. Sending love and light to all of the family, and apologies for not being able to attend the funeral.🙏🏾
R.I.P to all who have lost their lives recently.
*I’m still not buying now as the new year! The more you look into it, the more it makes sense that the months are all wrong and it’s in Spring, but I’ll leave that topic for another day!😅
**50 years without ever wearing make up – well, actually there was a time back in ‘92 when my friends sister tried it once. It got removed in a heartbeat without ever seeing the cold light of day. Let’s just say I gave Casper the ghost a run for his money and I’m thankhful we had no social media because I woulda been a whole meme!🤣
I popped outside to grab something from the house and actually felt like I’d been slapped in the face. What a piece of cold!🥶 I was so comfy in my space I forgot it was wintering outside. I literally zoned out, and it made me appreciate how privileged I am to be able to do so.🙏🏾

It’s A NuDawn ~ Rise & Shine! Stay Blessed & #CelebrateLife
Great read and words as always, you started with my favourite
Love this and you, and look forward to being on the journey with you.
Here’s to 2025 and all the years to come. Blessings, Health and Happiness ❤️