A 20/20 Vision
Hello again! I wasn’t intending on leaving it months before I wrote another blog, but the reality is I’ve kinda been in a funk. To be fair to myself, there have been a few legit reasons as to why I would be.
I won’t bore you with the details of my funky disposition right now. Let’s just say that I’m working on it! The year so far has really been a humdinger. Like, seriously, who could have predicted the madness?*
The 20/20 vision I had is nothing in comparison to the reality, but it has enabled me to see certain people’s true colours with crystal clarity. In my last Downtime blog I wrote about being tired. That’s not quite cutting it anymore. I’m fully over certain attitudes and having to break things down time and again. We’ve now reached Black History Month and it’s added more fuel to those already raging flames of hate.
It’s actually not hard to imagine that people would get so irate over trying to eradicate racism and giving us a fair chance. I guess it boils down to what you choose to see and what makes you feel un/comfortable. I’ve tried to highlight my feelings for you below. I hope you enjoy it, but most of all I hope you understand it.🖤
A little while back I wrote about being tired
But that description has long since expired
Tired no longer fits the bill
Let me try to explain if you will
To those taking issue with the words Black Lives Matter
And the “It’s all political!” nonsense and chatter
Having an issue with taking the knee
Or a powerful dance performed by Diversity
Disgust at adverts with Black families
Or in general, too many Black faces on their tv’s
Or a necklace with the initials B.L.M,
Causing outrage a little hard to comprehend,
Folk can find time to moan and complain
As if we’re all out here just playing some game
They’ll tell us we don’t deserve sympathy
Because crimes and statistics is all they can see
Allow me to give you a little clarity
If politics is all that you choose to see
There may be things you don’t like about the organisation
I hear you and understand your frustration
But the focus should be on Black Lives Matter – the movement
And how we’re constantly striving for improvement
There are way too many unnecessary failures
Too many George Floyds, Sarah Reeds and Breonna Taylor’s
Too many concerned over the placement of a statue
With negative statements to throw at you
Why should I waste my time trying to explain
When you clearly don’t want to register our pain
If you’re not interested that’s all good with me
I’m not about begging, and I’ll leave you be
I really have no time for all of those bigots
The likes of Jim Davidson and Laurence Fox
Who, granted, are entitled to their opinions and views
But don’t have a clue what’s it’s like to walk in our shoes
Every colour and creed commit crimes on the street
But if it’s a Black face they don’t miss a beat
In pointing the finger and calling us out
But if it’s a White face there’s always room for doubt
And heaven forbid we speak up or speak out
They’ll seriously question what we’re talking about
It honestly is a real travesty
That a lot of the naysayers really can’t see
When they say we should be grateful
And it’s all ok
Because we’re less racist here in the U.K
There’s a huge piece of the picture that you miss
And really and truly, it’s more than a diss
Addressing the ‘All Lives Matter’ crew
And the ‘Blue Lives Matter’ too
For the latter here’s somewhere to begin
They can take off their uniform
We can’t take off our skin
As for all lives mattering, that goes without saying
But the comparison needs to take some weighing
The past few months have given much insight
Between those who truly understand our plight
And those who’ve had enough, and are over it
And would love nothing more than for us to quit
Wondering how much longer we intend to go on
Whinging, whining and singing the same old song?
But in the midst of all of the chanting and crying
And every which way my people keep trying
Black people are dying at an alarming rate
At the hands of people fuelled by hate
Happy to deny us the right to live
All whilst sitting comfortably in their privilege
Band us together and label us BAME
With little recognition that we’re not all the same
No sympathy for Grenfell or the Windrush generation
No time for unity or the rise of one nation
We can all be different but still live as one
It’s not impossible; it can be done
I have no idea what the future will be
But I’ll try not to give up hope, that one day they’ll see
So take in the words I’ve written above
The lack of understanding, empathy and love
Now can you see why I’m way past tired?
Exhausted’s the word that is now required
But to my brothas and sistas
Don’t let it get you down
Put your head up and hold on to your crown
Whenever it seems there’s no ending in sight
As Bob Marley said, don’t give up the fight!

R.I.P Hazel Bruce and to all those who have passed away recently
*Apparently someone did. They could have given us a better heads up!😅